All current Amazon QuickSight Courses courses in 2024
47 Courses
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Simplified Chinese)
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Simplified Chinese)
这是有关 Amazon QuickSight 的介绍性视频,它是一种基于云的业务分析服务,让您可以轻松构建可视化内容、执行临时分析并从数据中迅速获取业务见解。在本课程中,我们将讨论使用 Amazon QuickSight 的优势以及该服务的工作原理。本课程还将包括演示,以便您可以看到 Amazon QuickSight 的实际运作状况。
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Indonesian)
Generative BI dengan Amazon Q di QuickSight - Panduan Awal (Bahasa Indonesia)
Amazon Q di QuickSight memperkenalkan rangkaian kemampuan intelijen bisnis (BI) baru dengan menggunakan model bahasa besar (LLM) dari Amazon Bedrock dan menggabungkannya dengan kemampuan Amazon QuickSight. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan belajar tentang konsep teknis dan m.
Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Korean)
Generative BI with Amazon Q in QuickSight - Getting Started (Korean)
Amazon Q in QuickSight는 Amazon Bedrock의 대규모 언어 모델(LLM)을 사용하고 이를 Amazon QuickSight의 기능과 결합하여 새로운 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 기능 제품군을 소개합니다. 이 과정에서는 Amazon Q in QuickSight 사용과 관련된 기술적 개념과 이점에 대해 알아봅니다. Amazon Q in QuickS.
Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 1)
Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 1) | AWS Skill Builder
Course Title: Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 1)
Description: In this course, you will master the art of creating visualizations within the Visualization module. Explore different visualization types and apply formatting.
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
1 hour 30 minutes
Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 2)
Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 2)
This course is part of a two-part series. In this series, learners will learn how to author business intelligence experiences using Amazon QuickSight.
In this second course, you will learn practical knowledge on building interactivity, including filters, actions, navigation, and.
Visualización con QuickSight (Español LATAM) | Visualizing with QuickSight (LATAM Spanish)
Visualización con QuickSight (Español LATAM) | Visualizing with QuickSight (LATAM Spanish)
En este curso, se le presentará el aspecto técnico de la inteligencia empresarial (BI) y la visualización de datos con Amazon Web Services (AWS). Se centrará en el uso de Amazon QuickSight para crear y compartir paneles interactivos y análisis. Aprenderá a i.
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
4 hours
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (German)
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (German)
Dies ist ein Einführungsvideo in Amazon QuickSight – der cloudbasierte Geschäftsanalyseservice, mit dessen Hilfe es einfach ist, Visualisierungen aufzubauen, Ad-hoc-Analysen auszuführen und schnell Geschäftserkenntnisse aus Daten zu gewinnen. In diesem Kurs werden wir die Vorteile der Verwendung von Ama.
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Japanese) (日本語字幕版)
Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Japanese) (日本語字幕版)
これは、Amazon QuickSight の入門者向け動画です。Amazon QuickSight はクラウド対応のビジネス分析サービスで、可視化の構築、アドホック分析の実行、データからのビジネスインサイトの迅速な取得が容易になります。このコースでは、Amazon QuickSight を使用する利点と、サービスの仕組みについて説明します.
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
Visualizing with QuickSight (Indonesian)
Visualizing with QuickSight (Indonesian)
Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan diperkenalkan pada sisi teknis kecerdasan bisnis (BI) dan visualisasi data dengan Amazon Web Services (AWS). Anda akan fokus menggunakan Amazon QuickSight untuk membangun serta berbagi dasbor dan analisis interaktif. Anda akan belajar bagaimana menyematkan dasbor ke aplikasi dan.
AWS Skill Builder
Free Certificate
4 hours
AWS SimuLearn: Analytics with Wearable Medical Devices
AWS SimuLearn: Analytics with Wearable Medical Devices
AWS SimuLearn is an online learning experience that pairs generative AI-powered simulations with hands-on practice to help individuals learn how to translate business problems into technical solutions through the simulation of dialogue between a customer and a technology profess.