All current Programming Courses courses in 2024

78 Courses


计算机不只是运算工具,更是创新平台。高效利用计算机需要简洁实用的编程语言。Python是当今最流行的跨平台语言之一,拥有简单易学、免费开源、可移植、跨平台、面向对象、可扩展等特点。Python适用于Web开发、科学计算、人工智能、桌面开发、软件开发、网络爬虫等领域。 随着大数据和人工智能需求的增长,Python备受瞩目,被誉为数据和AI的专用语言。掌握Python对适应信.
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程序设计能力和系统设计能力(简称“双基”能力)不足是现在计算机类学生中普遍存在的问题。其中,程序设计能力薄弱,将导致后续课程难以达成预期的课程目标,无法培养国家和社会所需的专业人才。本课程主要培养同学们的计算思维和工程思维,使大家具备理论联系实际、分析问题和解决问题的能力,为后续专业课程的学习打下坚实的基础。 本课程设置了人工智能、游戏开发、管理信.
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High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop

Kickstart your journey into the world of Computer Science and Programming with our introductory workshop designed for high school students. Discover the basics of coding using Snap! and enhance your problem-solving skills. This workshop is brought to you by Udemy, providing you with a solid foundation in essential topics like Artificial Intell.
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JavaScript Mastery Made Easy with ChatGPT for Beginners

Dive into the world of JavaScript and AI with the enlightening course "Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Mastering JavaScript and Unlocking the Secrets of AI." Tailored for beginners, this Udemy course provides a robust foundation in both programming and artificial intelligence. Discover the versatility of JavaScript as you learn from expert.
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Full Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Course | Ethical

Full Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Course | Ethical The Full Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Course offers a deep dive into the world of ethical hacking, equipping you with the skills needed in web hacking, bug bounty hunting, and penetration testing using Metasploit. This course aims to prepare you to become a certified ethical.
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Learn to become an AI Large Language Model Application Development Engineer through a comprehensive training that encapsulates essential core concepts, development frameworks, and practical fields of application. Master critical skills including prompt engineering, LLM fine-tuning, and API integration while delving into real-world use cases suc.
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Introduction to Self-Driving Cars

Introduction to Self-Driving Cars | Udacity Discover how to build a self-driving car with this comprehensive course from Udacity. Covering essential topics such as probability, C++, machine learning, and linear algebra, this course equips you with the knowledge needed to excel in the field of autonomous vehicles. Categories.
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一场关于未来的革命正在悄然上演,创新已成为人工智能时代的主旋律。“人工智能与创新”课程基于POT-OBE和5E的育人理念和方法,面向所有非人工智能专业学生以及任何有兴趣驾驭AI去创新的学习者。课程目标在于培养能驾驭AI去创新的高手,而非AI专业人才,希望学习者能在这个飞速发展的时代中,主动拥抱AI,与之同行。 课程的第一部分为AI基础层,包括第1章和第2章,为学生推.
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