All current Animal Behavior Courses courses in 2024

2 Courses


“家禽生产学”是安徽农业大学的重要农业学科课程,是增强实践能力的核心课程之一。课程涵盖生命科学、动物科学等多个领域。 课程每年在春秋两季学期开设,主要面向动物科学及专升本专业的学生,从第1周到第10周,每周安排2次课程。 动物科学本专业的课程设置在大三下学期,而专升本则在大二上学期。授课对象为动物科技学院的相关专业学生,年均招生量约为160人。 该课程强调.
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Bird Talk: Crows - The Avian Einsteins (Live Online)

Join renowned birder and author Constance Sidles for a fascinating dive into the enigmatic world of crows. Known for their exceptional intelligence, crows possess the remarkable ability to recognize human faces, share knowledge across generations, collaborate for protection, and even utilize tools. Discover the intricate and intelligent behavi.
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