All current AutoGen Courses courses in 2024

2 Courses

AI Agents: Building Teams of LLM Agents that Work For You

Uncover the possibilities of building sophisticated applications with the power of Large Language Model (LLM) agents. This course offers a comprehensive guide to utilizing AutoGen, ChatGPT API, and Streamlit, in conjunction with Google Cloud, to develop and deploy AI-centric applications efficiently. Whether you're operating on a local machin.
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Mastering AutoGen: Building Multi-Agent Systems [NEW]

Course Title: Mastering AutoGen: Building Multi-Agent Systems [NEW] Course Description: Dive into the world of multi-agent systems with our comprehensive course, "Mastering AutoGen: Building Multi-Agent Systems." This program is meticulously designed to offer you a deep understanding of research automation and visualization using AutoGen. Gain the.
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All upcoming courses at AutoGen Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses AutoGen Courses and choose the one that's right for you.