All current AutoML Courses courses in 2024
11 Courses
Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud
Embark on a journey through the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP) with our comprehensive course on Google Cloud. This educational adventure is meticulously designed to introduce the plethora of products and solutions available on Google Cloud to address various NLP challenges. Delve into the fascinating world of NLP and discover the cuttin.
Free Online Course (Audit)
13 hours
AutoML for Computer Vision with Microsoft Custom Vision
Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) with our hands-on project on AutoML for Computer Vision, proudly offered through Coursera. This cutting-edge project introduces you to the powerful capabilities of Microsoft's Custom Vision service, a user-friendly tool that empowers you to teach computers to differ.
Paid Course
1-2 hours
Integrate Azure Synapse Analytics with Azure Data and AI services
Title: Integrate Azure Synapse Analytics with Azure Data and AI Services
Description: Enhance your data analytics skills by learning how to integrate Azure Synapse Analytics with Azure Data and AI services. This course, offered by Microsoft Learn, covers crucial elements of utilizing Azure Synapse Analytics to its full potential.
Module Highlights:.
Microsoft Learn
Free Online Course
1 hour 46 minutes
Complete Power BI Course with Augmented Analytics & Auto ML
Title: Complete Power BI Course with Augmented Analytics & Auto ML
Description: Unlock the full potential of data analytics with our comprehensive Power BI course, featuring Augmented Analytics and Auto ML. Learn how to transform data, leverage DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), build sophisticated data models, and create both simple and complex AI-e.
Paid Course
7 hours
Machine Learning with H2O Flow
Title: Machine Learning with H2O Flow
Description: Dive into the world of machine learning without the need to write code with our hands-on project, Machine Learning with H2O Flow. This dynamic course provides a guided tour of H2O Flow, a web-based, user-friendly interface that facilitates the training and evaluation of machine learning models usin.
Paid Course
1-2 hours
Machine Learning & Generative AI for CXOs & Sr. Managers
Event: Machine Learning & Generative AI for CXOs & Sr. Managers
Unlock the power of AI for top-level executives with this comprehensive course tailored for CXOs and senior managers. Explore key aspects such as AI readiness assessment, the demystification of Artificial Intelligence principles, and practical insights through 8 detailed case studies i.
Paid Course
5 hours 8 minutes
Google Cloud Platform for Machine Learning Essential Training
Learn how to design machine learning solutions with Google Cloud Platform. Review services such as AutoML, CloudML Engine, and the GCP machine learning APIs.
LinkedIn Learning
Free Trial Available
2-3 hours
Innovating with Google Cloud Artificial Intelligence - 日本語版
Innovating with Google Cloud Artificial Intelligence - 日本語版 | Coursera
AI と ML は、幅広い業種に急速な変革をもたらしているインフォメーション テクノロジーにおける重要な進化です。「Innovating with Google Cloud Artificial Intelligence」では、AI と ML を活用して組織でビジネス プロセスを変革する方法について学習します。
このコースは Cloud Digit.
Free Online Course (Audit)
1-2 hours
How Google does Machine Learning en Español
Cómo Google hace Machine Learning en Español
¿Cuáles son las prácticas recomendadas para implementar el aprendizaje automático en Google Cloud? ¿Qué es Vertex AI y cómo se puede utilizar la plataforma para crear, entrenar e implementar rápidamente modelos de aprendizaje automático de AutoML sin escribir una sola línea de código?
Google consider.
Free Online Course (Audit)
15 hours
Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on GC - 한국어
Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on GC - 한국어
이 과정에서는 예측 및 생성형 AI 프로젝트를 모두 빌드하는 Google Cloud 기반 AI 및 머신러닝(ML) 제품군을 소개합니다. AI 기반, 개발, 솔루션을 모두 포함하여 데이터에서 AI로 이어지는 수명 주기 전반에 걸쳐 사용할 수 있는 기술과 제품, 도구를 살펴봅니다.
이 과정의 목표는 흥미로운 학습 경험과 실제적.