All current Blockchain Development Courses courses in 2024

59 Courses


Nominated for the 2020 edX Prize Finance and technology have a very long history of intertwined evolution, from the earliest coins to today’s cryptocurrencies. However, in the past decade, the speed of change combined with an ever-increasing range of new entrants – from startups to tech firms, from global markets to emerging markets – are transfo.
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provider edX  Professional Certificate
pricing $597.00
duration 18 weeks, 1-4 hours a week


Institution: XuetangX Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses Fintech Courses Generative AI Courses Cybersecurity Courses Entrepreneurship Courses Blockchain Development Courses Data Analytics Courses Digital Economy Courses
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国家高度重视医疗信息化人才的培养。《数字医疗概论》课程为学生提供全面了解医疗信息化建设的机会,是医学信息工程专业的核心课程。课程内容涵盖数字化医疗软件、硬件、标准、人员素养、信息技术、基础设施、安全等八个部分。 通过这门课程,学生将了解到数字化医疗领域的应用现状以及相关技术和方法,系统反映数字医疗的特点。课程还引入计算机前沿技术,并探讨数字医疗.
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Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass

Enhance your understanding of digital trends with the "Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass." Designed for those eager to master the intricacies of cutting-edge technologies and their practical applications, this course offers comprehensive insights into Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0. Dive into value drivers and learn b.
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大数据、人工智能、物联网、区块链、云计算等技术迅猛发展,正在改变我们的日常生活、学习与思考方式。数字化已成为时代不可逆转的趋势,是企业未来生存的关键。面对数字时代,哪些新商业模式可行?传统企业如何顺利完成数字化转型?如何把握数字经济时代的发展机遇? 6月25日,学堂在线国际MBA中心推出“国际MBA中心师生圆桌对话”系列直播,首场聚焦数字经济时代的创业机遇.
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本课程结合趣味科普,让学生从数据和技术的角度重新认识世界。从经济角度分析网红及其他现象,全面了解数字经济,具备大数据思维,提升数字素养。此为数字化社会的核心素养,是公民生存的基本能力,也是21世纪劳动者和消费者的关键技能。课程强调“双重”技能:数字技能和专业技能,避免成为数字时代的信息盲。 《数字素养与社会经济》课程分为数字经济的基础、经济模式、发展.
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On August 27-28, XuetangX's International MBA Centre proudly presents a lecture titled "New Technology Igniting Business Opportunities" by renowned educator and State Council Special Allowance Expert, Professor Chang Yaping from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The session will feature a morning public display, with subsequent conte.
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Digital Transformation Tips

Digital Transformation Tips Learn how to best support the digital transformation efforts of your business. Get actionable tips for leveraging technology and planning for success. Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses Machine Learning Courses Big Data Courses Digital Transformation Courses Cloud Computing Courses Internet of T.
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Herramientas de ciberseguridad y métodos de aplicación

Herramientas de ciberseguridad y métodos de aplicación La apertura de las comunicaciones ha generado diversos beneficios para el ser humano. El internet ha logrado que la sociedad viva conectada y se comunique de forma rápida y sencilla. Nuestros novedosos y sofisticados sistemas de redes, el wifi y aplicaciones web permiten la fluidez de mucha in.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5 weeks, 5-7 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Logística del futuro

Logística del Futuro En este curso en línea se profundizarán temas relacionados con avances, desarrollos e implementaciones en el sector industrial. Los principales retos del futuro de la logística deben tener soluciones tecnológicas que incentivan la competitividad y la sostenibilidad de las empresas como: Energías alternativas Inteligencia Ar.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5 weeks, 3-5 hours a week
sessions On-Demand
All upcoming courses at Blockchain Development Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Blockchain Development Courses and choose the one that's right for you.