Business Intelligence Courses

794 Courses

Google Data Studio - Création de Tableaux de Bords Interactifs

Google Data Studio - Création de Tableaux de Bords Interactifs Dans ce projet guidé, vous manipulerez Google Data Studio, la plateforme de visualisation de données gratuite de Google. Vous connecterez vos données à Data Studio, vous créerez un rapport interactif de haute qualité, ensuite le partagerez avec vos collaborateurs. Tout ceci avec l.
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provider Coursera
pricing Paid Course
duration 2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Business Transformation with Google Cloud en Español

Business Transformation with Google Cloud en Español ¿Qué es la tecnología de nube o ciencia de datos y a qué se debe este revuelo? Pero, por sobre todo, ¿qué puede hacer por usted, su equipo y su empresa? Si quiere aprender sobre la tecnología de nube para sobresalir en su función, ayudar a construir el futuro.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 10 hours
sessions On-Demand

Business Transformation with Google Cloud en Français

Business Transformation with Google Cloud en Français Que sont la technologie cloud et la science des données, et pourquoi tant de battage médiatique ? Plus important encore, qu'apportent-elles pour vous, votre équipe et votre entreprise ? Si vous souhaitez découvrir la technologie cloud afin de pouvoir briller dans votre rôle, contribuer à b.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 1 week
sessions On-Demand

Curso Completo de Power BI

Curso Completo de Power BI - Aprenda Power BI Desktop, Service e Mobile Inscreva-se no Curso Completo de Power BI na Udemy e aprenda a utilizar o Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service e Power BI Mobile. Este curso é ideal para quem deseja se aprofundar em Análise de Dados, Business Intelligence e Data Visualization, utilizando as ferramen.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 11 hours
sessions On-Demand

Business Transformation with Google Cloud auf Deutsch

Was ist Cloudtechnologie bzw. Data Science und warum ist der Begriff in aller Munde? Welche Vorteile bietet die Cloud für Sie, Ihr Team und Ihr Unternehmen? Wenn Sie sich mit dem Thema Cloudtechnologie vertraut machen möchten, um bessere Arbeit zu leisten, die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens mitzugestalten und im Zeitalter der Cloud Ihr volles Pote.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 18 hours
sessions On-Demand

Business Transformation with Google Cloud 日本語版

Business Transformation with Google Cloud 日本語版 クラウド テクノロジー、データ サイエンスとは何か、今なぜ注目を集めているのか、自分やチーム、ビジネスにどのように役立つのかを学びます。 Business Transformation with Google Cloud は、クラウド テクノロジーに関する知識を深めて自分の業務に活用しながら、今後のビジネス展開で重要な役割を果たし、クラウド.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 10 hours
sessions On-Demand

Power BI Desktop: Aprende ETL, Dax y Análisis de Datos

Power BI Desktop: Aprende ETL, Dax y Análisis de Datos Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un experto en Inteligencia de Negocios con Power BI (Act. 2020) en Udemy. Categories: Business Intelligence Courses Data Cleaning Courses Microsoft Power BI Courses DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 15 hours 15 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Visualizing with QuickSight (Korean)

Visualizing with QuickSight (Korean) 이 과정에서는 Amazon Web Services(AWS)를 사용한 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 및 데이터 시각화의 기술적 측면을 소개합니다. Amazon QuickSight를 사용하여 대화형 대시보드 및 분석을 구축하고 공유하는 것을 중심으로, 대시보드를 애플리케이션 및 웹 사이트에 임베딩하고 액세스 및 권한을 안전하게 관리하는 방법을 배우게 됩니다..
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
duration 4 hours
sessions On-Demand

MarketUP - O primeiro sistema de gestão Totalmente Gratuito!

MarketUP - O Primeiro Sistema de Gestão Totalmente Gratuito! Descubra o primeiro curso completo do MarketUP, o pioneiro em sistemas de gestão totalmente gratuitos e online. Acesse e aprenda de forma prática e fácil como otimizar a gestão do seu negócio. Disponível na Udemy, este curso abrange tópicos essenciais nas seguintes categorias: Bu.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
sessions On-Demand

Predicción de Ventas Pronosticando Tendencias

Predicción de Ventas Pronosticando Tendencias En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 2 horas de duración, aprenderás a realizar pronósticos de tendencia y a entender cómo los pronósticos apoyan la toma de decisiones. Aprenderás a utilizar hojas de cálculo para visualizar y realizar un examen estadístico de datos analizando la pendiente de la l.
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provider Coursera
pricing Paid Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Business Intelligence Courses: Your Step to Success

In today's world where data is becoming the new gold, understanding and applying Business Intelligence (BI) is becoming a necessity for professionals in various industries. Every year, the demand for skilled professionals who can analyse data and make informed decisions is growing. Business Intelligence lessons offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in this rapidly growing sector and learn the necessary skills. Good courses can provide not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that are in demand in the labour market.

Pluses of Business Intelligence online courses

With the increasing popularity of online education, Business Intelligence classes are becoming more accessible. The online format allows students to learn at their convenience, which is especially important for working professionals. Online Business Intelligence courses offer interactive elements, access to lengthy video lessons, and the ability to interact with instructors and other students. This allows you to dig deeper into the material and diversify your learning experience.

Flexibility and accessibility

One of the main advantages of an online study is their flexibility. Students can choose their own time and place for classes. This is especially helpful for those who work or have other commitments that prevent them from attending scheduled classes. Being able to choose the pace of learning is also a big plus - you can delve into the material in the way that is right for you.

Access to materials and resources

Modern learning platforms offer access to a wealth of resources, including video lessons, study guides and tests. This allows learners to master complex concepts and topics in the most efficient way possible. In addition, many lessons include practical assignments that help reinforce theoretical knowledge.

Popular Business Intelligence courses

Choosing the best Business Intelligence online course can be a daunting task given the sheer number of options available. However, there are a number of online courses that have received positive feedback from students and are recognised as leading BI lessons. These courses cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to develop their skills from basic to advanced levels.

Data Analytics Courses

The course for Business Data Analysts is central to the list of Business Intelligence classes. It involves teaching skills that enable professionals to extract valuable insights from data. The knowledge gained from this course helps in making informed decisions based on analysing aggregated and structured data.

AI Eeducation: The Path to Successful Learning

No discussion of Business Intelligence courses would be complete without mentioning AI Eeducation. This platform offers a variety of BI programmes and classes tailored for all levels - from beginners to experienced professionals. With AI Eeducation, you can master new technologies and data analytics strategies that will help you become competitive in the job market.

How do I choose the perfect Business Intelligence course?

When choosing a Business Intelligence training, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, decide what your goals are: do you want to learn the basics of BI or delve into specific aspects of data analysis. Secondly, consider the format of the course - the convenience of online learning can play a crucial role in your choice.

Reviews and ratings

Before enrolling in a course, it's important to read reviews from other students. Specific recommendations and reviews can help you better understand which course is right for you. Don't hesitate to ask questions of programme representatives - it will help you make an informed choice.

Certification and support

Look for courses that offer certificates of completion. Having certification can greatly increase your value in the labour market and demonstrate your achievements and skills to employers. Faculty support is also important - having feedback greatly improves the quality of your learning experience.


Business Intelligence courses are a solid path to gaining the necessary knowledge and skills in data analytics. Whether you choose an online course or traditional training, it's important to choose programmes that meet your goals and needs. Platforms like AI Education offer a wide range of courses ready to meet the requirements of different students. Start your studies today and discover a world of opportunities in Business Intelligence!