Cloud Computing Courses

205 Courses

Why Analytics for Games (Korean)

Why Analytics for Games (Korean) 과정 설명이 과정에서는 게임 사용 사례에서 분석을 사용하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 학습자는 분석의 장점과 인사이트를 사용하여 게임 설계를 개선하고, 게임 운영의 효율을 높이고, 재무 및 전략적 결정에 도움을 얻는 방법에 대해 배웁니다. 비즈니스 인텔리전스에 사용하는 다양한 원본과 게임 데이터 유형, 분석 파이프라인을 사.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
duration 1 hour
sessions On-Demand

ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~

ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ タイトル: ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ 概要: 最新のAIやIoT、クラウド技術の可能性と、それらが経営やビジネスに与える価値を分かりやすく整理して解説します。 大学: 提供元: Udemy カテゴリ: 人工知能コース, デジタルトランスフォーメーションコース, クラウド.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 4 hours 51 minutes
sessions On-Demand

AWS w 7 dni

AWS w 7 dni - Poznaj podstawy chmury AWS w kilka dni! Zdobądź fundamentalne umiejętności związane z chmurą AWS w zaledwie 7 dni. Ten kurs oferowany przez Udemy pomoże Ci zrozumieć kluczowe aspekty Amazon Web Services, niezależnie od Twojego poziomu doświadczenia. Kategorie: Kursy Sztucznej Inteligencji, Kursy Przetwarzania w Chmurze, Ku.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 8 hours 16 minutes
sessions On-Demand

AWS dla developerów - czyli jak budować aplikacje w chmurze!

AWS dla developerów - czyli jak budować aplikacje w chmurze! Odkryj świat AWS i naucz się budować aplikacje w chmurze z wykorzystaniem AWS Serverless, w tym Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB oraz Sztuczną Inteligencję. Dołącz do kursu na Udemy i poszerz swoje horyzonty w dziedzinach takich jak: Kursy Sztucznej Inteligencji Kursy Przetwarzania w.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 7 hours 21 minutes
sessions On-Demand

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版 ぺタバイトのデータを数秒でクエリ・処理する方法を学びたい、またはデータ分析においてデータ量が増加しても自動でスケーラブルにする方法を学習したい方には、このコースが最適です。 ここでは、Google BigQuery データセットからデータマイニング、ビジュアル化、ローディング、などインタラクティブなシナリ.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 26 weeks, 1 hour a week

Google Cloud (GCP) MasterClass 2024 : GCP for Beginner - Pro

Join the Google Cloud (GCP) MasterClass 2024: GCP for Beginner - Pro and master the essentials of Google Cloud Platform. Dive into the world of cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence with hands-on learning modules. This course is offered by Udemy and is perfect for individuals looking to enhance their skills in Artificial Intel.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 1 day 7 hours 1 minute
sessions On-Demand

Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Data Engineer

Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Data Engineer Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification was ranked #1 on Global Knowledge's list of 15 top-paying certifications in 2021! Enroll now to prepare! 87% of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in their cloud skills. This program provides the skills you need to a.
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provider Coursera  Professional Certificate
pricing Paid Course
duration 22 weeks, 3 hours a week

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Français

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Français Ce cours, qui s'appuie sur le cours Business Transformation with Google Cloud, vous fait découvrir les technologies qui peuvent contribuer à la transformation d'une organisation. Plus précisément, nous expliquerons comment une organisation peut réussir sa transformation numérique grâce à la technol.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals auf Deutsch

Dieser Kurs baut auf den Kurs "Business Transformation with Google Cloud" auf. Er betrachtet die Transformation von Organisationen aus einem technologischen Blickwinkel. Konkret erläutern wir anhand der folgenden Kategorien, wie eine Organisation mithilfe der Technologie von Google Cloud die digitale Transformation vollziehen kann: Moder.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand

Herramientas para el Análisis de Big Data

Herramientas para el Análisis de Big Data | Universidad de los Andes | edX Cuando se trata de herramientas para el análisis de datos, siempre tenemos las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tantas herramientas que existen? ¿Cuál es la mejor? ¿Cuál debería aprender? Las funciones que realizan los científicos de datos incluyen la id.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 4 weeks, 3-5 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Cloud training: courses and programmes

Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure and more and more professionals are looking to develop their skills in this area. There are various computing courses, such as AI Eeducation lessons, that offer training from the basics to advanced levels. In this article, we will take a look at the best courses available online and the benefits you will get by choosing these educational programmes.

Why choose cloud computing courses?

Cloud technology is opening new horizons for businesses by providing opportunities for scaling, data management, and cost reduction. Keeping this trend in mind, IT professionals and aspiring IT professionals can gain a significant advantage by learning cloud computing classes.

Cloud computing courses will help you understand:

Taking popular computing lessons can significantly enhance your career prospects. Professionals with cloud computing expertise are in demand in many industries, from finance to healthcare. Employers are looking for people who can adapt information to business needs, reduce costs and increase productivity at the same time.

Best cloud computing courses

When it comes to choosing the best cloud computing courses, there are many options available for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Now that learning has become more flexible, students can choose the courses of their choice. Cloud computing courses online offer the opportunity to study at a convenient time and place. This is especially important for working professionals who can combine learning with their core business.

In addition to flexibility, online courses often offer access to additional resources such as video tutorials, interactive assignments and discussion forums where students can share experiences and get advice from instructors and peers.

How do I choose the right course?

Choosing the right course can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Here are some guidelines to help you with your choice:

  1. Assess your knowledge and goals - Determine what level you are at and what goals you want to achieve (certification system, professional development, etc.).

  2. Examine testimonials - Pay attention to student reviews of courses. This can provide insight into the quality of the materials and teaching.

  3. Review course content - Make sure the course includes topics that you are interested in and aligns with your professional goals.

  4. Make sure there is practice - Practical assignments will help you learn the material better and apply what you have learnt in practice.

Cloud computing is a field that continues to gain popularity and provides ample opportunities for professional growth. These computing lessons can help you learn how to work with new technologies, increase your competitiveness in the labour market and open doors to new career opportunities. Don't miss the chance to learn from the best experts and develop your skills in this rapidly growing field!