Cloud Computing Courses

336 Courses

AWS Flash - Chalk Talks: Generative AI on AWS (Japanese)

このコースでは、AWS で生成 AI アプリケーションを構築しようとしているお客様が利用できるさまざまなオプションについて解説します。このコースでは特に、Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart の基盤モデルを活用して生成 AI アプリケーションを構築する方法に焦点を当てます。 コースレベル: 基礎 所要時間: 55 分 このコースにはスライドとデモが含まれています。 このコ.
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AWS Flash - Chalk Talks: Generative AI on AWS (Korean)

이 과정에서는 고객이 AWS에서 생성형 AI 애플리케이션을 빌드할 때 사용할 수 있는 옵션을 간략하게 설명합니다. 이 과정은 특히 Amazon SageMaker JumpStart의 파운데이션 모델을 활용하여 생성형 AI 애플리케이션 빌드를 중점적으로 설명합니다. 과정 수준: 기초 소요 시간: 55분 참고: 이 과정의 동영상에는 한국어 트랜스크립트 또는 자막이 지원되며 음성은.
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Microsoft AI & ML Engineering

Join the Microsoft AI & ML Engineering program, a detailed curriculum designed to equip you with essential skills and deep understanding in the flourishing fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Across five courses, this program covers foundational concepts to advanced topics, offering practical skills and hands-on experience i.
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1. 课程所属学科专业 《工业互联网》属于交叉学科课程,涵盖多个专业领域:0802 机械工程, 0804 仪器科学与技术, 0808 电气工程, 0809 电子科学与技术, 0810 信息与通信工程, 0811 控制科学与工程, 0812 计算机科学与技术, 0822 轻工技术与工程, 0835 软件工程, 0837 安全科学与工程, 0839 网络空间安全, 0854 电子信息, 0855 机械, 1201管理科学与工程, 1205 信息资源.
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On August 27-28, XuetangX's International MBA Centre proudly presents a lecture titled "New Technology Igniting Business Opportunities" by renowned educator and State Council Special Allowance Expert, Professor Chang Yaping from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The session will feature a morning public display, with subsequent conte.
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庄子曾言:“圣人者,原天地之美而达万物之理”。他通过对天地壮美的感受洞悉了宇宙万物的演化规律。随着科技的发展,感知设备能够更加智能地连接人与信息,把现实与数字世界无缝衔接,万物互联的新时代即将开启。我们的课程将引领你进入这个高能的万物互联时代。 课程沿时间线梳理万物互联的发展历程,深入讲解互联网的不同发展阶段,细致剖析万物互联的事物、数据、人员和流程.
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本课程结合趣味科普,让学生从数据和技术的角度重新认识世界。从经济角度分析网红及其他现象,全面了解数字经济,具备大数据思维,提升数字素养。此为数字化社会的核心素养,是公民生存的基本能力,也是21世纪劳动者和消费者的关键技能。课程强调“双重”技能:数字技能和专业技能,避免成为数字时代的信息盲。 《数字素养与社会经济》课程分为数字经济的基础、经济模式、发展.
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大数据、人工智能、物联网、区块链、云计算等技术迅猛发展,正在改变我们的日常生活、学习与思考方式。数字化已成为时代不可逆转的趋势,是企业未来生存的关键。面对数字时代,哪些新商业模式可行?传统企业如何顺利完成数字化转型?如何把握数字经济时代的发展机遇? 6月25日,学堂在线国际MBA中心推出“国际MBA中心师生圆桌对话”系列直播,首场聚焦数字经济时代的创业机遇.
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本课程专为艺术类高校设计,重点在于教授计算机基础知识,以适应当代技术发展并满足艺术类学生的特定需求。通过该课程,学生不仅能学习计算机基础知识和概念,还能掌握应用和操作技能。 课程内容依据教育部颁布的《计算机基础教学基本要求》,涵盖计算机领域的各个方面,包括计算机的发展及其应用、系统组成、操作系统基础、办公软件使用、网络及其应用、计算机前沿技术、信.
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Cloud training: courses and programmes

Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure and more and more professionals are looking to develop their skills in this area. There are various computing courses, such as AI Eeducation lessons, that offer training from the basics to advanced levels. In this article, we will take a look at the best courses available online and the benefits you will get by choosing these educational programmes.

Why choose cloud computing courses?

Cloud technology is opening new horizons for businesses by providing opportunities for scaling, data management, and cost reduction. Keeping this trend in mind, IT professionals and aspiring IT professionals can gain a significant advantage by learning cloud computing classes.

Cloud computing courses will help you understand:

Taking popular computing lessons can significantly enhance your career prospects. Professionals with cloud computing expertise are in demand in many industries, from finance to healthcare. Employers are looking for people who can adapt information to business needs, reduce costs and increase productivity at the same time.

Best cloud computing courses

When it comes to choosing the best cloud computing courses, there are many options available for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Now that learning has become more flexible, students can choose the courses of their choice. Cloud computing courses online offer the opportunity to study at a convenient time and place. This is especially important for working professionals who can combine learning with their core business.

In addition to flexibility, online courses often offer access to additional resources such as video tutorials, interactive assignments and discussion forums where students can share experiences and get advice from instructors and peers.

How do I choose the right course?

Choosing the right course can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Here are some guidelines to help you with your choice:

  1. Assess your knowledge and goals - Determine what level you are at and what goals you want to achieve (certification system, professional development, etc.).

  2. Examine testimonials - Pay attention to student reviews of courses. This can provide insight into the quality of the materials and teaching.

  3. Review course content - Make sure the course includes topics that you are interested in and aligns with your professional goals.

  4. Make sure there is practice - Practical assignments will help you learn the material better and apply what you have learnt in practice.

Cloud computing is a field that continues to gain popularity and provides ample opportunities for professional growth. These computing lessons can help you learn how to work with new technologies, increase your competitiveness in the labour market and open doors to new career opportunities. Don't miss the chance to learn from the best experts and develop your skills in this rapidly growing field!