All current Control Systems Courses courses in 2024

12 Courses

Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown

Explore the future of mobility with the Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown course. This educational journey offers a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating world of vehicle autonomy, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. Dive into the realm of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as they promise to transform everyday.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 9 weeks, 4-10 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Introducción a la inteligencia artificial contemporánea

Descubre el fascinante mundo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) con nuestro curso integral ofrecido a través de Coursera por la Universidad Continental. Este curso, "Introducción a la inteligencia artificial contemporánea", está diseñado para brindarte una sólida comprensión de los conceptos fundamentales de IA, permitiéndote explorar los últimos a.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 18 hours
sessions On-Demand


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《智能系统创新与实现》是一门由高校教师、科创教育专家、智能硬件设计开发工程师共同打造的面向科创教育师范生培养的特色课程。该课程在阐述科技创新教育概念基础上,详细介绍了智能硬件的控制方法、使用方法。旨在带领学生利用智能硬件系统进行项目式实践的同时培养学生的科技创新能力。 提供机构: XuetangX 课程类别: 嵌入式系统课程, 微控制器课程, 控制系统课程, 软件开.
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《智能控制》是华北电力大学自动化专业的核心课程,针对研究生和本科生提供。课程内容包括智能控制的基本概念、群体智能优化算法、模糊控制、神经网络以及实际应用。学生将通过学习,全面理解智能控制的基本原理及其行业应用,特别是在智能发电背景下的应用。 课程分为春季和秋季学期,分别面向研究生和本科生教授,校内教学32学时。虽然学时因政策有所减少,但通过MOOC.
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Introduction of Intelligent Control(智能控制导论)

Discover the intriguing world of Intelligent Control in this comprehensive course. Learn how natural intelligent phenomena, such as human brain processes or ant colony tasks, can be simulated by computer programs to improve control processes. The course highlights the difference between intelligent control and traditional control theories, emphas.
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ライントレースに挑戦:自動運転のための第一歩|Try Virtual Line Tracing: First Steps Toward Autonomous Driving

Lane-keeping is a fundamental technology for autonomous driving. Dive into engineering techniques needed to achieve this through fun and engaging virtual experiments and simulations focused on line tracing with a LEGO robot. Participants will explore the joy of sensing and feedback control. Enjoy the simulator if you have MATLAB, or receive a.
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5 Days of Matlab, Simulink & SimScape + ChatGPT - New!

Enroll in the course on Udemy and transform your understanding of Matlab and simulation technologies.
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