Embed Power BI Reports

via Pluralsight


540 Courses

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In today’s data-driven landscape, organizations often grapple with sharing insights effectively, facing hurdles in integrating reporting tools across diverse platforms. The course, Embed Power BI Reports, empowers you with the ability to seamlessly embed Power BI reports into various applications and platforms, enhancing data accessibility and visualization.

Initially, delve into the advantages of embedding Power BI reports and understand the various embedding options available, including SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams. Progress to discover the use cases for Power BI Embedded, focusing on licensing, capacity necessities, and the architecture of Power BI Embedded for seamless integration.

Ultimately, master the management of authentication and permissions while embedding Power BI reports in applications via the Power BI Embedded API, ensuring secure and efficient report access. By the course's conclusion, you will possess comprehensive skills and knowledge in embedding Power BI reports and leveraging Power BI Embedded, crucial for enhancing data sharing and empowering informed decision-making within your organization.


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