Title: Share and Collaborate with Power Automate
Description: Join us for a comprehensive exploration of sharing and collaboration techniques in Power Automate. This series is designed to enhance your skills and understanding of Power Automate cloud flows within your organization.
- Module 1: Sharing Power Automate Cloud Flows
- Learn various sharing methods and their benefits.
- Identify potential collaborators for cloud flows.
- Understand the differences among cloud flow types when sharing.
- Explore connection handling during flow sharing.
- Discover co-ownership sharing options.
- Introduction to run-only permissions.
- Distinguish between solution and non-solution cloud flows.
- Module 2: Transporting Cloud Flows Using Solutions
- Understand the fundamentals of using solutions in cloud flows.
- Explore both manual and automated solution management.
- Appreciate the advantages of integrating solutions with cloud flows.
- Learn to include new and existing cloud flows in solutions.
- Understand the role of connection references.
- Utilize environment variables to eliminate hardcoded values.
- Master importing and exporting solutions.
- Module 3: Collaborative Tools in Power Automate
- Examine collaborative comments and their applications.
- Explore the purpose of using comments and potential collaboration partners.
- Experience copresence for real-time collaboration.
- Module 4: Sharing Power Automate Button Flows
- Discover the sharing mechanisms for button flows.
- Learn about security aspects of button flow connections.
- Monitor and analyze the run history of button flows.
Provider: Microsoft Learn
Categories: Microsoft PowerApps Courses