Unit Testing with Generative AI Case Study

via Codecademy


42 Courses


Title: Unit Testing with Generative AI Case Study

Description: Dive into an enlightening case study on leveraging ChatGPT for unit testing in Python. This hands-on guide will walk you through the process of utilizing generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, to craft a suite of unit tests. Perfect for Developers looking to sharpen their skills, this case study covers everything from crafting effective ChatGPT prompts to generating a comprehensive Python test class. Whether you're testing a single function or an entire class, see firsthand how ChatGPT can transform and streamline your testing workflow.

  • Learn to craft prompts that steer ChatGPT into generating desired unit tests efficiently.
  • Discover how to use ChatGPT to create a Python test class tailored for testing another Python class.
  • Explore the creation of specific test functions with ChatGPT, designed to thoroughly test each member function of your Python class.
  • Master the setup function creation with the help of ChatGPT, setting the stage for a streamlined testing process.

Offered by: Codecademy

Categories: Python Courses, Generative AI Courses, ChatGPT Courses, Unit Testing Courses


Taught by

Hisham Touma


provider Codecademy


42 Courses


pricing Free Trial Available
language English
duration 1 hour
sessions On-Demand
level Beginner