All current Design Thinking Courses courses in 2024

25 Courses

Data + AI for Communication: การใช้ข้อมูลและปัญญาประดิษฐ์สำหรับวิสาหกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อม | Data + AI for Communication: Data + AI for SME

Course Title: Data + AI for Communication: การใช้ข้อมูลและปัญญาประดิษฐ์สำหรับวิสาหกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อม | Data + AI for Communication: Data + AI for SME Description: คำอธิบายรายวิชา รายวิชานี้มุ่งเน้นให้ผู้เรียนได้เกิดความเข้าใจการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเทคโนโลยีการสื่อสารที่ส่งผลต่อการดำเนินธุรกิจและการสื่อสารการตลาดตลอดเส้นทางของผู้บริโภค แนวทางการท.
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Fundamentos de la Construcción 4.0

Fundamentos de la Construcción 4.0 El sector de la construcción representa una de las mayores industrias en términos económicos a nivel global y se posiciona como uno de los motores de crecimiento en múltiples países de la región latinoamericana. Sin embargo, es también uno de los sectores de menor crecimiento de productividad anual debido a su l.
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provider edX  Professional Certificate
pricing $98.00
duration 10 weeks, 4-5 hours a week

How Design Makes Us Think

How Design Makes Us Think | LinkedIn Learning Join us for How Design Makes Us Think, a comprehensive course offered by LinkedIn Learning. This course delves into the profound impact design has on our mental processes, exploring how it can evoke emotional and intellectual reactions from its audience. Whether you are a designer, a user.
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provider LinkedIn Learning
pricing Free Trial Available
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

Share Data Through the Art of Visualization This is the sixth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll learn how to visualize and present your data findings as you complete the data analysis process. This course will show you how data visualizations, such as visual dashboards, can help bring your data to life. You’ll also explore Ta.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 23 hours
sessions On-Demand

Design Thinking and Global Startup

Join the Design Thinking and Global Startup course offered by the University of California, Santa Cruz on Coursera. This comprehensive course introduces you to a systematic engineering design methodology, specifically Stanford Design Thinking, ideal for preparing a global startup. The course covers the entire Stanford Design Thinking pr.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 7-8 hours
sessions On-Demand

Digital Product Management

Digital Product Management - University of Virginia | Coursera University: University of Virginia Provider: Coursera Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Design Thinking Courses, Product Management Courses Description: This Specialization is tailored for both aspiring and veteran product managers in the digital sphere, offering a rich to.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 22 weeks, 3 hours a week

Agile Development

Agile Development Beyond practices and beyond principles, you'll learn the applied skills that enable an agile team to succeed. While applying an evidence-based approach across the four courses, you'll practice what you've learned by creating an actionable, adaptive focus for a digital product team. University: University of Virginia.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 17 weeks, 3 hours a week


《信息设计》是专为设计专业研究生开设的选修课程,分为八大章节,涵盖从信息设计概述到大数据可视化的各个方面。通过模块化知识图谱设计,课程满足不同学科背景与个性化学习需求。 建议每位学生学习信息设计概述及流程,以获取核心原则。视觉传达设计专业可集中于用户研究法与效果测试,而产品设计专业则加强视觉设计原则的理解。 大数据可视化需具备计算机技术基础,设计.
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Human Computer Interaction (Both in Hindi and English)

ABOUT THE COURSE: Dive into the world of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with our comprehensive course offered in both Hindi and English. This course encompasses both theoretical and practical aspects of HCI design, guiding students through user-centered design thinking, usability principles, and interface development. Learn rapid prototypin.
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智能时代下的创新创业实践 《智能时代的创新创业》课程整合了信息学科与创新教育的经验,旨在帮助学员在智能时代进行创新创业。课程内容总结为一个能力模型、两个课程重点和三个讲解部分,主要包括五层能力:自我认知、创新能力、技术能力、商业能力和团队合作。 课程设置了创新能力的培养模块,通过创新心智模式训练提高学员的创新能力。此外,.
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