All current Digital Economy Courses courses in 2024

5 Courses


大数据、人工智能、物联网、区块链、云计算等技术迅猛发展,正在改变我们的日常生活、学习与思考方式。数字化已成为时代不可逆转的趋势,是企业未来生存的关键。面对数字时代,哪些新商业模式可行?传统企业如何顺利完成数字化转型?如何把握数字经济时代的发展机遇? 6月25日,学堂在线国际MBA中心推出“国际MBA中心师生圆桌对话”系列直播,首场聚焦数字经济时代的创业机遇.
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Institution: XuetangX Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses Fintech Courses Generative AI Courses Cybersecurity Courses Entrepreneurship Courses Blockchain Development Courses Data Analytics Courses Digital Economy Courses
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While e-commerce is creating miracles, it is also constantly expanding its frontiers. This course takes the frontiers of the development of e-commerce as the object and discusses the evolutionary laws and ecology of e-commerce through specific topics, including two-sided market theory, long tail theory, Moore's law, Metcalfe's law, Davido's la.
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Indian Economy in a Digital World

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; color: #333; } ul { list-style-type: none; } "Indian Economy in a Digital World" provides comprehensive insights into India's evolving economy amid the digital revolution. This course highlights the significant role of digital technologies in reshaping economic.
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Futuro del Trabajo

Preocupado por cómo los cambios tecnológicos y sociales están transformando el mundo laboral? El futuro del trabajo ha llegado, y este curso te ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre tu carrera. No solo exploraremos tendencias actuales, sino que también aprenderás a desarrollar un plan de carrera exitoso, liderar equipos de alto rendimiento.
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