All current Digital Literacy Courses courses in 2024

7 Courses

AI para docentes: Transforma tu enseñanza con ChatGPT

AI para docentes: Transforma tu enseñanza con ChatGPT La inteligencia artificial (IA) está cambiando rápidamente la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos. Antes se podía pensar que era un mundo únicamente para personas relacionadas a ingeniería o ramas informáticas, hoy en día es parte vital de nuestro mundo y se puede decir que todos debemos.
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Ethical AI for Students

Ethical AI for Students Generative AI (GenAI) is revolutionizing our approach to work and study. However, it also presents significant ethical challenges, including concerns about AI bias, inaccuracy, and plagiarism. These issues make many people cautious about fully embracing GenAI's potential benefits. This course will guide you through the a.
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本课程结合趣味科普,让学生从数据和技术的角度重新认识世界。从经济角度分析网红及其他现象,全面了解数字经济,具备大数据思维,提升数字素养。此为数字化社会的核心素养,是公民生存的基本能力,也是21世纪劳动者和消费者的关键技能。课程强调“双重”技能:数字技能和专业技能,避免成为数字时代的信息盲。 《数字素养与社会经济》课程分为数字经济的基础、经济模式、发展.
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Generative AI in the Classroom for Educators

Discover the transformative impact of generative AI in educational settings with our course tailored for educators. In an era where the integration of AI into the classroom sparks significant debate, we provide a comprehensive guide on adopting these technologies responsibly. Leveraging insights from the University of Glasgow’s acclaimed Gener.
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Life Skills For Graduates

About the Course: This course introduces vital life skills necessary for young adults. Inspired by the World Health Organization's definition, these skills empower individuals to effectively navigate the demands and challenges of daily life. Adaptation and adjustment are key hurdles for today's youth; this course aims to provide practical solut.
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Intelligence Digitale pour le bien commun

Ce cours Intelligence Digitale pour le bien commun est conçu pour les étudiants de tous horizons, sans prérequis nécessaires. Il s'adresse à ceux qui s'intéressent à l'utilisation, à l'innovation et aux affaires liées au numérique. Les professionnels, organisations ou États cherchant à enrichir leurs compétences en termes de citoyenneté digital.
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IA Generativa nas Aulas: Usando o Recurso a Nosso Favor

IA Generativa nas Aulas: Usando o Recurso a Nosso Favor é um curso voltado para professores que desejam modernizar suas práticas educativas através da integração da Inteligência Artificial. Oferecido pela FGV Educação Executiva, este curso ajuda os educadores a desenvolverem competências críticas e colaborativas fundamentais no ambiente de en.
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