Digital Transformation Courses

176 Courses

【Copilot完全入門】2024年最新版!生成AI時代の新スキル・Microsoft Copilot実務活用コース

国内初!生成AI時代において重要となるMicrosoft Copilotの実務活用を学べるコースが登場しました。この講座では、Copilot for M365だけでなく、Web版Copilotについても深く掘り下げ、あらゆる方に適したカリキュラムをご提供します。Microsoft Copilotの活用スキルを身につけ、生成AIの可能性を最大限に引き出しましょう。
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Indian Economy in a Digital World

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; color: #333; } ul { list-style-type: none; } "Indian Economy in a Digital World" provides comprehensive insights into India's evolving economy amid the digital revolution. This course highlights the significant role of digital technologies in reshaping economic.
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Tech 101: Introduction to Working in Tech

Course Provider: Udemy Unlock the potential of a tech-driven mindset with our 'Tech 101: Introduction to Working in Tech' course. This essential course is designed to empower you by integrating technology into your professional journey, enabling you to drive innovation in every aspect of your work. Explore topics that cover a wide range of cate.
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《战略性思维:竞争、合作与全局意识》是一门独特课程,旨在通过多学科的视角打破传统的学科壁垒,帮助学生提升在复杂局面中做出决策的能力。课程涵盖个体战略、组织战略和国家战略,旨在培养学生的方向性、全局性及前瞻性思维能力。 这门课程不仅构建了多学科交叉的智库,还结合了文、史、哲、经、管、法、理、工等学科,以培养具备“厚通识、宽视野、多交叉”素养的全科人才。.
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Experience the transformative power of next-generation information technology with our e-Governance course. As digital advancements redefine lifestyles and governance methods, we delve into the evolution from traditional management to digital governance, exploring the leap from automation to artificial intelligence. How can we effectively integ.
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本课程是MEM专业硕士的一项核心课程,专注于如何通过大数据与智能管理技术为企业管理实践中的数据要素赋能。课程内容兼具高水平的理论和解决复杂工程实践问题的实际应用能力,适合希望提升数字化管理能力的学习者。 提供者: XuetangX 课程类别: 人工智能课程, 大数据课程, 数字化转型课程, 预测分析课程, 数据挖掘课程, 文本挖掘课程, 数据建模课程, 决策支持系统课程, 分.
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工程造价管理课程深入探讨工程建设项目的造价构成、计价原理及全寿命期造价管理。近年来,数字化和智能化技术推动了建筑行业的变革,造价管理融合了BIM、大数据、人工智能及区块链技术,形成了新的管理模式。 课程以工程造价管理基础知识为依托,聚焦行业热点和前沿。着眼于数字化、市场化、国际化、产业化和绿色低碳发展趋势。本课程涵盖六个主要部分:工程造价管理概.
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Online Education Dialogue 2024:Empowering Higher Education with AI

Welcome to the Online Education Dialogue 2024, an event dedicated to exploring the significant role of artificial intelligence in reshaping higher education. This insightful webinar will feature discussions with leading experts who will illuminate the ways AI technologies can be strategically utilized to revolutionize teaching methodologies and.
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