Emotional Intelligence Courses
502 Courses
The Cure for Impostor Syndrome
The Cure for Impostor Syndrome
In the course "The Cure for Impostor Syndrome," adapted from the insightful podcast "How to Be Awesome at Your Job," Dr. Valerie Young illuminates the complexities of impostor syndrome and provides actionable steps for overcoming it. This course, offered by LinkedIn Learning, is designed to help individua.
LinkedIn Learning
Free Trial Available
Be a Resilient Leader
Be a Resilient Leader
Even when things appear to be going smoothly—without a bump in the road or a problem in sight—a moment of volatility, uncertainty, chaos, or ambiguity can crop up out of nowhere. At times like these, you as a leader need to be resilient.
In the business world, disruptions and transformation.
1 hour 27 minutes
Storytelling for Leaders: How to Inspire Your Team
Storytelling for Leaders: How to Inspire Your Team
Do you communicate with your team members daily? Have you ever considered how effective those conversations are? Are you sure your message is clear and confident? Do your team members understand why their work is crucial to the company's success?
If you feel something is missing from your commu.
2 hours 8 minutes
Visual Journaling: Drawing Your Feelings
Visual Journaling: Drawing Your Feelings
“I think that there is beauty in vulnerability, and I do not think that your feelings have to be pretty to be beautiful.”
Known for her emotionally honest work, artist and illustrator Jordan Sondler guides you through five exercises that will help you express yourself through art and connect more deeply wi.
Free Trial Available
35 minutes
Devenez un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e)
Devenez un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e) - Formation en PNL sur Udemy
Formez-vous à la PNL et obtenez plus de résultats pour vous et pour les autres! Cette formation vous permet de devenir un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e) avec un certificat signé en fin de formation.
Université : Udemy
Catégories : Cours sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle, Co.
Paid Course
18 hours
Depresión: 10 Pasos para superar la Depresión Rápido
Depresión: 10 Pasos para Superar la Depresión Rápido | Udemy
Depresión: 10 Pasos para Superar la Depresión Rápido
Un curso ofrecido por Udemy para ayudarte a superar la depresión de manera rápida y efectiva sin necesidad de gastar dinero en médicos, terapeutas o medicamentos..
Free Online Course
2-3 hours
Oratoria y Comunicación Efectiva con PNL
Oratoria y Comunicación Efectiva con PNL | Udemy
Descubre las técnicas para comunicar eficazmente en todos los ámbitos con el curso Oratoria y Comunicación Efectiva con PNL en Udemy. Este curso, categorizado bajo Inteligencia Emocional, Habilidades de Comunicación, y Hablar en Público, te proporcionará las habilidades y herramientas necesarias pa.
Paid Course
1 day 12 minutes
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung: Jeden Tag ein bisschen besser!
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung: Jeden Tag ein bisschen besser!
University: Provider: Udemy
Categories: Emotional Intelligence Courses, Critical Thinking Courses, Self Improvement Courses, Personal Development Courses
Paid Course
4-5 hours
Öz Liderlik
Öz Liderlik
Liderlik kavramını bugüne kadar hep başkalarını yönetmek veya yönlendirmek üzerinden dinlediniz. Peki ya öz yönetim?
University: Udemy
Provider: Udemy
Categories: Emotional Intelligence Courses, Leadership Courses
Paid Course
2-3 hours
Certificación Coaching de Vida (De Principiante a Experto)
Certificación Coaching de Vida (De Principiante a Experto) - Udemy
Transforma tus resultados con la Certificación Coaching de Vida (De Principiante a Experto) de Udemy. Aprende conceptos, metodología y principios esenciales para mejorar tus habilidades en inteligencia emocional, comunicación efectiva y desarrollo pe.
Paid Course
10 hours 57 minutes