All current Foundation Models Courses courses in 2024

11 Courses

Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Simplified Chinese)

Prompt Engineering Foundations (Simplified Chinese) 在本课程中,您将学习设计有效提示的原则、技术和最佳实践。本课程将介绍提示工程的基本知识,然后逐步过渡到高级提示技术。您还将学习如何防止提示误用,以及如何在与基础模型 (FM, Foundation Model) 互动时减少偏差。 课程级别:中级 时长:4 小时 注意:本课程具有本地化的注释/字幕。旁白保留英语。要.
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Optimizing Foundation Models (Portuguese)

Optimizing Foundation Models (Portuguese) Neste curso, você vai explorar duas técnicas para melhorar o desempenho de um modelo de base (FM): Geração aumentada de recuperação (RAG) e ajuste fino. Você vai aprender sobre os serviços da Amazon Web Services (AWS) que ajudam a armazenar incorporações com bancos de dados de vetores, a função dos agent.
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AI Language Models and Foundation Models

AI Language Models and Foundation Models Discover the foundation of AI language models as you delve into BERT, GPT, and T5, understanding their applications and learning to fine-tune these models yourself. This course will equip you with the skills needed to harness foundation models for solving real-world language processing problems efficient.
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AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum Overview (Japanese)

AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum のこの入門コースでは、機械学習 (ML) の基礎を復習し、ML と AI の進化について確認します。ML ライフサイクルの最初のステップとして、ビジネス目標を特定し、そのビジネス目標に基づいて ML の問題を定式化します。最後に、ML モデルの構築、トレーニング、デプロイに使用できるフルマネージド型 AWS サービスである Amazon SageMak.
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AWS ML Visão geral do curso de engenheiro associado (Português) | AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum Overview (Portuguese)

Neste curso introdutório à grade curricular de engenheiros de ML associados da AWS, você analisa os conceitos básicos de machine learning (ML) e examina a evolução do machine learning e da IA. Você explora as primeiras etapas do ciclo de vida do ML, identificando uma meta de negócios e formulando um problema de ML com base nessa meta de negócios. F.
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Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence Solutions (Vietnamese)

Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence Solutions (Vietnamese) Trong khóa học này, bạn sẽ khám phá vòng đời của ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo tạo sinh (AI tạo sinh), bao gồm: Xác định trường hợp sử dụng trong kinh doanh Chọn mô hình nền tảng (FM) Cải thiện hiệu suất của FM Đánh giá hiệu suất của FM Triển khai và tác động của việc triể.
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AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum Overview (Simplified Chinese)

AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum Overview (Simplified Chinese) 在这个 AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum 的入门课程中,您将回顾机器学习 (ML) 基础知识并研究 ML 和 AI 的演变。您将探索 ML 生命周期的初始步骤,确定业务目标并根据该业务目标制定 ML 问题。最后,您将了解 Amazon SageMaker,这是一项完全托管式 AWS 服务,可用于.
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Desarrollo de soluciones de IA generativa (Español LATAM) | Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence Solutions (LATAM Spanish)

Desarrollo de soluciones de IA generativa (Español LATAM) | Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence Solutions (LATAM Spanish) En este curso, explorará el ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial generativa (IA generativa), que incluye lo siguiente: Definición de un caso práctico empresarial.
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Optimización de modelos fundacionales (Español LATAM) | Optimizing Foundation Models (LATAM Spanish)

Optimización de modelos fundacionales (Español LATAM) | Optimizing Foundation Models (LATAM Spanish) En este curso, explorará dos técnicas para mejorar el rendimiento de un modelo fundacional (Foundation Model, FM): la generación mejorada por recuperación (Retrieval Augmented Generation, RAG) y el ajuste preciso. Aprenderá sobre los servicios de A.
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AWS Flash – AWS AI/ML Essentials (Simplified Chinese) (中文讲师定制版)

AWS Flash – AWS AI/ML Essentials (Simplified Chinese) (中文讲师定制版) 本课程面向需要参加 Amazon Web Services Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) 认证考试的技术人员,通过此课程的学习了解认证考试的流程,注意事项,有助于学员加强对认证考试范围内的知识点的理解与掌握,同时借助于对样题的分析和讲解,更好地了解与熟悉认证考试的难度系数和考试形式。 级别:.
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