All current Gemini Courses courses in 2024

111 Courses

Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - Français

Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - Français Ce cours vous montre comment utiliser des modèles d'intelligence artificielle et de machine learning pour accomplir des tâches d'IA générative dans BigQuery. Grâce à un cas d'utilisation pratique en gestion de la relation client, vous explorerez le workflow nécessaire pour résoudre un problème métier.
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Gemini for Network Engineers - Bahasa Indonesia

Gemini for Network Engineers - Bahasa Indonesia Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara Gemini, kolaborator yang didukung AI generatif dari Google Cloud, dalam membantu engineer jaringan membuat, mengupdate, dan memelihara jaringan VPC. Anda akan mempelajari cara memanfaatkan Gemini untuk memberikan panduan spesifik untuk tugas-tugas jaring.
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Gemini for Network Engineers - Português Brasileiro

Gemini para Engenheiros de Rede - Português Brasileiro Neste curso, você vai entender como o Gemini, um colaborador com tecnologia de IA generativa do Google Cloud, ajuda os engenheiros de rede a criar, atualizar e manter redes VPC. Também vai aprender a usar os comandos do Gemini para fornecer orientações específicas para suas tarefas de rede,.
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Gemini for end-to-end SDLC - Português Brasileiro

Neste curso, você vai entender como o Gemini, um colaborador com tecnologia de IA generativa do Google Cloud, ajuda você a usar os produtos e serviços do Google para desenvolver, testar, implantar e gerenciar aplicativos. Com a ajuda do Gemini, você vai aprender a desenvolver e criar um aplicativo da Web, corrigir erros no aplicativ.
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Gemini in Google Drive

Gemini for Google Workspace is an innovative add-on that grants users access to cutting-edge generative AI features. This comprehensive course explores the full potential of Gemini in Google Drive through engaging video lessons, hands-on activities, and practical examples. By the end of this course, you'll gain the expertise to confidently harne.
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Google Gemini: Get Started with Google's AI Assistant

Discover the potential of Gemini, Google’s advanced AI assistant. Whether you need answers to pressing questions, assistance with drafting new content, or help navigating Google Workspace apps like Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets, this course has you covered. Offered by: LinkedIn Learning Category: Artificial Intelligence Courses.
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Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - Bahasa Indonesia

Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - Bahasa Indonesia Kursus ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model AI/ML untuk tugas-tugas AI generatif di BigQuery. Melalui kasus penggunaan praktis yang melibatkan pengelolaan hubungan pelanggan (CRM), Anda akan mempelajari alur kerja pemecahan masalah bisnis dengan model Gemini. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, ku.
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Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - 简体中文

Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - 简体中文 이 과정은 BigQuery에서 생성형 AI 작업에 AI/ML 모델을 사용하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 고객 관계 관리와 관련된 실제 사용 사례를 통해 Gemini 모델로 비즈니스 문제를 해결하는 워크플로를 설명합니다. 이해를 돕기 위해 SQL 쿼리와 Python 노트북을 사용하는 코딩 솔루션을 단계별로 안내합니다. University: Provider:.
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Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery - 日本語版

Gemini モデルを使用した BigQuery 作業 - 日本語版 このコースでは、BigQueryで生成型AI作業にAI/MLモデルを使用する方法を紹介します。顧客関係管理に関連する実際の使用事例を通じて、Geminiモデルを使用してビジネス問題を解決するワークフローを解説します。理解を深めるために、SQLクエリとPythonノートブックを使用したコードソリューションを詳細に案内します。
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