All current Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Courses courses in 2024
176 Courses
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning and AI on GC - 한국어
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning and AI on GC - 한국어
머신러닝을 데이터 파이프라인에 통합하면 데이터에서 더 많은 인사이트를 도출할 수 있습니다. 이 과정에서는 머신러닝을 Google Cloud의 데이터 파이프라인에 포함하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 맞춤설정이 거의 또는 전혀 필요 없는 경우에 적합한 AutoML에 대해 알아보고 맞춤형 머신러닝 기능이 필요한 경우를 위.
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP - Italiano
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP - Italiano
Integrare il machine learning nelle pipeline di dati aumenta significativamente la capacità di estrarre insight preziosi dai dati. Questo corso esplora vari metodi per includere il machine learning nelle pipeline di dati su Google Cloud.
Per una personalizzazione minima o nulla, il co.
Gemini for Cloud Architects - 简体中文
Gemini for Cloud Architects - 简体中文
在本课程中,您将了解 Gemini(Google Cloud 的生成式 AI 赋能的协作工具)如何帮助管理员预配基础设施。您将了解如何通过输入提示来让 Gemini 解释基础设施、GKE 集群的部署,以及现有基础设施的更新。您可以通过实操实验了解如何利用 Gemini 来改进 GKE 部署工作流。Duet AI 已更名为 Gemini,这是我们的新一代模型。
Gemini for Application Developers - Français
Gemini pour les Développeurs d'Applications - Français
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez comment Gemini, un collaborateur de Google Cloud optimisé par l'IA générative, aide les développeurs à créer des applications. Vous apprendrez à demander à Gemini d'expliquer du code, de recommander des services Google Cloud et de générer du code pour vos appli.
Gemini for Security Engineers - Português Brasileiro
Gemini for Security Engineers - Português Brasileiro
Neste curso, você vai entender como o Gemini, um colaborador com tecnologia de IA generativa do Google Cloud, ajuda a proteger seu ambiente e recursos de nuvem. Você vai aprender a implantar exemplos de cargas de trabalho em um ambiente no Google Cloud, identificar e corrigir configurações in.
Gemini for Security Engineers - Français
Gemini pour les Ingénieurs de Sécurité - Français | Coursera
Gemini pour les Ingénieurs de Sécurité - Français
Université: Fournisseur: Coursera
Dans ce cours, découvrez comment Gemini, un collaborateur de Google Cloud optimisé par l'IA générative, peut vous aider à sécuriser votre environnement et vos ressources cloud. Apprenez.
Gemini for Security Engineers - Español
Gemini for Security Engineers - Español
En este curso, descubrirás cómo Gemini, un colaborador potenciado por IA generativa de Google Cloud, te ayudará a proteger tu entorno y tus recursos en la nube. Aprenderás a implementar cargas de trabajo de ejemplo en un entorno de Google Cloud y a identificar y corregir los parámetr.
Gemini for Cloud Architects - 繁體中文
Gemini for Cloud Architects - 繁體中文 | Coursera
本課程介紹的 Gemini 是採用生成式 AI 技術的協作工具,可協助管理員在 Google Cloud 佈建基礎架構。您將瞭解如何透過提示讓 Gemini 解釋基礎架構、部署 GKE 叢集,以及更新既有的基礎架構。在實作研究室中,您也會體驗到 Gemini 如何改良 GKE 的部署工作流程。 Duet AI 已更名為 Gemini,這是我們的新一代.
Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI: Challenge Lab
Title: Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI: Challenge Lab
Description: Participate in a dynamic challenge lab focused on Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI. Complete a series of tasks within a set time, achieving objectives without step-by-step instructions and earn automatic scores based on your activity.
Gemini for Application Developers
Gemini for Application Developers
In this course, you learn how Gemini, a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud, helps developers build applications. You learn how to prompt Gemini to explain code, recommend Google Cloud services, and generate code for your applications. Using a hands-on lab, you experience how Gemini improves.