All current Healthcare Management Courses courses in 2024

3 Courses

Business Foundations for Nurses Professional Certificate by American Nurses Association

Business Foundations for Nurses Professional Certificate by American Nurses Association Nursing professionals are expected to have both clinical and business skills to succeed in management roles. This learning path teaches the skills needed to excel in healthcare management: business basics, project management, financial literacy, and how to use.
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智能健康管理是高等学校健康管理领域人才培养中的一门核心课程,旨在培养学生具有智能健康管理的基本知识以及实践能力。本课程通过课堂教学和课外讨论等环节,授课者从基本概念内涵入手,并结合健康档案数字化平台、可穿戴设备健康数据采集、互联网医院运营平台、养老机器人应用、婴儿体重预测、医学影像智能分析及传染病传播预测等应用场景设计课堂讨论案例。 通过本.
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Introduction to Value-Based Healthcare

Join the "Introduction to Value-Based Healthcare" course offered by Udemy and gain insights into enhancing quality and managing costs in the healthcare sector. This course falls under the Healthcare Management category and is designed to equip you with practical knowledge and strategies. Explore the principles of value-based healthcare and lea.
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All upcoming courses at Healthcare Management Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Healthcare Management Courses and choose the one that's right for you.