All current Information Technology Courses courses in 2024

38 Courses

ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~

ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ タイトル: ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ 概要: 最新のAIやIoT、クラウド技術の可能性と、それらが経営やビジネスに与える価値を分かりやすく整理して解説します。 大学: 提供元: Udemy カテゴリ: 人工知能コース, デジタルトランスフォーメーションコース, クラウド.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 4 hours 51 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Management Information Systems

Discover how advancements in technology and pioneering business models are revolutionizing social interactions and business operations. This course delves into the boom of enterprise-wide information systems, granting managers instantaneous access to critical data necessary for precise and prompt decision-making. Understand how successful fi.
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在信息化促进工业化的背景下,大学生的信息能力需求增高。信息素养课程致力于培养学生的信息获取、鉴别与管理能力,提高其信息检索和独立解决问题的能力。 课程内容涵盖互联网时代的学习与生活、信息获取与鉴别、搜索引擎、信息技术新发展、学术和专利检索、信息存储与处理以及信息安全等多方面。 课程以线上进行,学生完成网络平台的视频学习、作业和测验,可在线与教师.
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디지털 전환 입문과정 [파트 1]

디지털 전환 입문과정 [파트 1] 본 과정은 디지털 전환의 핵심 구성 요소에 대한 소개를 통해 여러분이 혁신의 동력과 경제학, 그리고 기술적 변화에 대해 이해하고 이를 통해 업계에서 경쟁적 이점을 취할 수 있도록 하기 위해 고안되었습니다. 여러분은 데이터의 사업적 가치, 그리고 인공 지능 및 자율성과 같은 핵심 기술의 급격한 성장이 경쟁의 본질에 미치는 영향을.
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Business Considerations for Edge Computing

Business Considerations for Edge Computing From cars that drive themselves to robots that restock warehouses and sensors that know when it’s time to water or fertilize crops, our world is changing before our eyes. This is digital transformation, encompassing the convergence of 5G, IoT, AI, machine learning, and the Edge. Edge Computing is a decent.
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Master’s Degree in IT Management

Master’s Degree in IT Management Our Master’s Degree in IT Management is designed for working professionals with an interest in information technology (IT) and information systems who are looking to accelerate their careers. We created this online IT Management degree program to meet the growing demand for IT leaders, information sy.
provider edX  Degree
pricing $21,000.00

IBM Data Topology

IBM Data Topology Course | Coursera Every business and organization is facing new challenges with their data. Pressures related to regulation and compliance, leveraging AI, spanning multicloud environments, and increasing volumes of inaccessible data are forcing executives and administrators to either modernize their infrastructures or become ob.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand


本课程以科技哲学和科学社会学交叉的视野思审视科学技术,特别是在马克思主义指导下,分析现代科技的本质特征和体系结构。同时,总结并概括科技发展的内在动力和发展模式,探索科技的社会功能,反思运行条件,以及社会治理关键问题。 通过学习本课程,学生将实现以下目标: 深刻理解科技发展与个人、社会、人类发展的紧密关联,全面认识科技的正面和负面影响。 初步掌握.
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Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+

Practice Advanced SQL Queries with MySQL 5.7+ | Udemy Course Build on your current knowledge and reach the next level in SQL by practicing advanced queries with MySQL 5.7+. Our comprehensive Udemy course provides numerous examples and hands-on exercises designed to help you learn through writing. University: Provided by Udemy Categories: Busin.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 5 hours
sessions On-Demand
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