All current Information Technology Courses courses in 2024

25 Courses

Administración de las Tecnologías de la Información

Este curso presenta una introducción a las operaciones de una empresa y sus procesos de negocio, así como a los sistemas de información que deben soportarlos, con el objeto de materializar y potenciar la estrategia de negocio. Los objetivos son: Comprender el rol de operaciones e IT dentro de una organización. Conocer y aplicar los dist.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 11 hours
sessions On-Demand

Sustainability & Technology: Executive Briefing

Title: Sustainability & Technology: Executive Briefing Description: Dive into the intersection of sustainability and technology in this informative Executive Briefing. Discover essential concepts, define and manage your sustainability objectives, and learn about both the advantages and challenges of current technologies in promoting sustainabil.
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provider Pluralsight
pricing Free Trial Available
duration 43 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Business Analysis Perspectives (IIBA - ECBA)

Business Analysis Perspectives (IIBA - ECBA) Join the Business Analysis Certification Program (IIBA - ECBA Certification) offered by Udemy. This extensive program is tailored to provide you with a strong foundation in Business Intelligence, Business Analysis, Information Technology, Business Process Management, and IIBA Certification preparatio.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 3 hours 32 minutes
sessions On-Demand

IT Troubleshooting Skill Training

IT Troubleshooting Skill Training Course Title: IT Troubleshooting Skill Training Description: Enroll in IT Troubleshooting 101 designed for both Analysts and Managers. This course, offered on Udemy, will enhance your problem-solving skills in the field of Information Technology. University: Provider: Udemy Categories: Information Technology Co.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 1 hour 17 minutes
sessions On-Demand

¿Cómo comunicar en la transformación digital?

¿Cómo comunicar en la transformación digital? La transformación digital ha impactado todas las esferas públicas y privadas en los últimos años, apoyándose en tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial, análisis de grandes volúmenes de datos, computación en la nube, impresión 3D, realidad aumentada o blockchain, entre otras. La naturaleza de esta.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 6 weeks, 6-8 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Enterprise Architecture in the Era of the Intelligent Enterprise

Enterprise Architecture in the Era of the Intelligent Enterprise Modern companies are facing increasingly volatile market dynamics and the disruption of business processes and technology, which directly influences the enterprise strategy at both a strategic and an operational level. The Intelligent Enterprise is all about reinventing y.

Business Considerations for Edge Computing

Business Considerations for Edge Computing From cars that drive themselves to robots that restock warehouses and sensors that know when it’s time to water or fertilize crops, our world is changing before our eyes. This is digital transformation, encompassing the convergence of 5G, IoT, AI, machine learning, and the Edge. Edge Computing is a decent.
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ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~

ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ タイトル: ITトレンド丸わかり ~~DX時代を生き抜くビジネスの作り方~~ 概要: 最新のAIやIoT、クラウド技術の可能性と、それらが経営やビジネスに与える価値を分かりやすく整理して解説します。 大学: 提供元: Udemy カテゴリ: 人工知能コース, デジタルトランスフォーメーションコース, クラウド.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 4 hours 51 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+

Practice Advanced SQL Queries with MySQL 5.7+ | Udemy Course Build on your current knowledge and reach the next level in SQL by practicing advanced queries with MySQL 5.7+. Our comprehensive Udemy course provides numerous examples and hands-on exercises designed to help you learn through writing. University: Provided by Udemy Categories: Busin.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 5 hours
sessions On-Demand
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