Leadership Courses
188 Courses
Liderazgo - Manual del Líder Remoto en la Era Digital
Liderazgo - Manual del Líder Remoto en la Era Digital | Udemy
Curso: Liderazgo - Manual del Líder Remoto en la Era Digital
Descripción: Una guía de liderazgo paso a paso para crear y dirigir con éxito equipos de trabajo virtuales de alto rendimiento.
Proporcionado por: Udemy
Categorías: Resolución de Conflictos, Liderazgo
Paid Course
4-5 hours
Inteligencia emocional y liderazgo
Inteligencia emocional y liderazgo
Completar este programa te permitirá conocer y desarrollar herramientas para manejar tus emociones de manera positiva, lo que facilitará relacionarte mejor con las personas, armar equipos de trabajo más eficientes y lidiar con situaciones de estrés de una forma sana.
Este programa está compuesto por cursos onl.
edX Professional Certificate
12 weeks, 3-5 hours a week
Empresário de Sucesso
Empresário de Sucesso | Curso Udemy para Empreendedores
Empresário de Sucesso
Não importa se você é iniciante ou já possui seu próprio negócio. Aprenda estratégias eficazes para aumentar sua lucratividade agora mesmo.
Oferecido por: Udemy
Categoria: Recursos Humanos, Liderança, Empreendedorismo
Paid Course
12 hours
Master en Inteligencia Emocional y Soft Skills YPD
Master en Inteligencia Emocional y Soft Skills YPD
Descubre tu potencial y desarrolla tu talento con Creatividad, Comunicación y Liderazgo en este superpack de 12 cursos.
Provee por: Udemy
Inteligencia Emocional
Habilidades Blandas
Hablar en Público.
Paid Course
11 hours 4 minutes
Become a creative leader, a better leader (Oxford Diploma)
Become a Creative Leader, a Better Leader (Oxford Diploma) - Online Course | Udemy
Ready to transform your leadership skills? Join the course "Become a Creative Leader, a Better Leader (Oxford Diploma)" provided by Udemy. This short course is designed for success and focuses on developing creative and practical leadership abilities..
Paid Course
8 hours
Coaching Skills: Sports Coaching and Leadership
Coaching Skills: Sports Coaching and Leadership
Upskill in sports leadership and coaching to maximize your team's performance. Learn valuable sports coaching skills to lead and motivate your high-performing team with this ExpertTrack from Deakin University.
Offered by: University of Reading
Provider: FutureLearn ExpertTrack
Categories: Emotional.
FutureLearn ExpertTrack
Paid Course
10 weeks, 3 hours a week
Be a Resilient Leader
Be a Resilient Leader
Even when things appear to be going smoothly—without a bump in the road or a problem in sight—a moment of volatility, uncertainty, chaos, or ambiguity can crop up out of nowhere. At times like these, you as a leader need to be resilient.
In the business world, disruptions and transformation.
1 hour 27 minutes
Storytelling for Leaders: How to Inspire Your Team
Storytelling for Leaders: How to Inspire Your Team
Do you communicate with your team members daily? Have you ever considered how effective those conversations are? Are you sure your message is clear and confident? Do your team members understand why their work is crucial to the company's success?
If you feel something is missing from your commu.
2 hours 8 minutes
Devenez un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e)
Devenez un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e) - Formation en PNL sur Udemy
Formez-vous à la PNL et obtenez plus de résultats pour vous et pour les autres! Cette formation vous permet de devenir un(e) Praticien(ne) PNL certifié(e) avec un certificat signé en fin de formation.
Université : Udemy
Catégories : Cours sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle, Co.
Paid Course
18 hours
Öz Liderlik
Öz Liderlik
Liderlik kavramını bugüne kadar hep başkalarını yönetmek veya yönlendirmek üzerinden dinlediniz. Peki ya öz yönetim?
University: Udemy
Provider: Udemy
Categories: Emotional Intelligence Courses, Leadership Courses
Paid Course
2-3 hours