All current Lean Startup Courses courses in 2024

4 Courses


人工智能与创业智慧 课程特色: 融合人工智能技术与人文智慧思想 联动创业管理思维与技术创新行动 设计人工智能创新创业的知识体系 打通人工智能创新创业的节点问题 撷趣人工智能创业的典型案例素材 共创技术创新时代的创业教育未来 课程内容: 该课程体系结合人工智能技术与创新创业管理,强调知识的前沿性、思维引领性和行动指导性,涵盖十二.
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Tech 101: Introduction to Working in Tech

Course Provider: Udemy Unlock the potential of a tech-driven mindset with our 'Tech 101: Introduction to Working in Tech' course. This essential course is designed to empower you by integrating technology into your professional journey, enabling you to drive innovation in every aspect of your work. Explore topics that cover a wide range of cate.
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Impacto de la IA en la Innovación de Negocios

El curso "Impacto de la IA en la Innovación de los Negocios" examina cómo la inteligencia artificial está revolucionando el ámbito empresarial actual. Ofrecido por el prestigioso Tecnológico de Monterrey a través de la plataforma Coursera, este curso te ayudará a comprender y aplicar tecnologías emergentes, desarrollar modelos de negocio inno.
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Executive Diploma of Vice President Chief Innovation Officer

Program Overview: Step into the future of executive leadership with the Executive Diploma of Vice President & Chief Innovation Officer offered by MTF Institute. Designed to cultivate leaders in the field of innovation, this course is hosted on Udemy, a leading online education provider. This comprehensive program is tailored for professionals.
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All upcoming courses at Lean Startup Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Lean Startup Courses and choose the one that's right for you.