All current Medical Imaging Courses courses in 2024

9 Courses


智能健康管理是高等学校健康管理领域人才培养中的一门核心课程,旨在培养学生具有智能健康管理的基本知识以及实践能力。本课程通过课堂教学和课外讨论等环节,授课者从基本概念内涵入手,并结合健康档案数字化平台、可穿戴设备健康数据采集、互联网医院运营平台、养老机器人应用、婴儿体重预测、医学影像智能分析及传染病传播预测等应用场景设计课堂讨论案例。 通过本.
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本课程将学生带入智慧医疗这一交叉领域,走近产业和医生,通过探索人工智能技术,深入智慧医疗发展和工程实现,体会智能技术对人类健康的影响,并建立大健康素养。课程展示了“现实需求、技术创新和产业发展”的全貌,同时培养学生在医疗健康领域中应用智能技术的能力。 课程将从科学技术上探索利用人工智能技术解决医疗健康问题的方法;在产业前沿方面,发现当前医疗行业.
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本课程是专业必修项目,提供32学时的校内讲授,面向学术和专业硕士研究生,每年约有60名学生参与。课程重点在于现代光电成像技术及其图像处理方法,采用专题模块的讲授形式。 每个专题全面覆盖从基本原理到理论方法,再到典型应用分析,旨在帮助学生融会贯通本科阶段所学课程,同时塑造工科思维。此外,课程紧跟技术发展前沿,重点反映当前光电图像处理方法的最新进展,拓.
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智能医学是一门全新的学科,随着医工结合的快速发展以及智能技术的广泛应用应运而生。与传统的古典医学和生物医学不同,智能医学融合了医疗大数据、神经工程、人工智能、健康管理、生物传感等新兴领域的发展方向,推动了人类疾病诊疗方式的智能化变革,并显著提升了整体医疗卫生健康水平。 本课程关注智能医学的多个热点与前沿领域,提供智能医学的通识知识,准确界定其基本.
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Intro to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Plain&Simple

Embark on a journey to understand the core principles of Artificial Intelligence and explore its transformative impact within the Healthcare industry. Led by experts from Udemy, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to how AI is revolutionizing healthcare practices. Delve into topics that bridge the gap between technology and medicin.
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AI for Energy and Biomedical Applications

“AI for Energy and Biomedical Applications” is a transformative exploration into the revolutionary AI technologies reshaping energy systems and healthcare solutions. In the energy domain, AI is a game-changer in the generation, distribution, and management of energy resources, optimizing renewable energy production, enhancing efficiency, a.
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Applications of AI in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare by addressing major diseases and mortality causes. Through real-time data sharing and insights derived from AI, significant strides are made in diagnosing and treating various health conditions. AI's specific applications in healthcare enhance patient care through machine lea.
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