All current Philosophy Courses courses in 2024

17 Courses

Taoism Level 1: a Path to a Higher Dimension

Title: Taoism Level 1: A Path to a Higher Dimension Description: Delve into the ancient Chinese art and science of Taoism with this comprehensive course provided by Udemy. Perfect for individuals seeking knowledge on philosophical teachings and practices to achieve harmony. University: Not Applicable Provider: Udemy Categories: Philosophy Courses,.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 2-3 hours
sessions On-Demand

AI Ethics & Decision Making, Research Insights, Strategies !

Join the journey into understanding the ethical considerations and decision-making processes involved in creating and using Artificial Intelligence. This course is a valuable resource for leaders and anyone looking to delve into the complexities of AI ethics. Provided by Udemy, this course is essential for those aspiring to lead responsibly i.
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ADVANCED Emotional Intelligence, Logic And Creativity

Join the ADVANCED Emotional Intelligence, Logic And Creativity course to elevate your intellectual and emotional capabilities. This course, offered by Udemy, is tailored to boost your IQ, emotional intelligence (EQ), wisdom, creativity, and memory. It's an ideal opportunity to deepen your understanding of philosophy and logic. Whether you'r.
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Using Ancient Wisdom To Solve Modern Problems

Many of today's challenges, such as relationship issues and work burnout, have been experienced throughout history. Join renowned philosopher and “The Daily Stoic” podcaster Ryan Holiday in this engaging MasterClass, where he reveals how ancient philosophies can offer practical solutions to contemporary problems. Collaborating with variou.
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《战略性思维:竞争、合作与全局意识》是一门独特课程,旨在通过多学科的视角打破传统的学科壁垒,帮助学生提升在复杂局面中做出决策的能力。课程涵盖个体战略、组织战略和国家战略,旨在培养学生的方向性、全局性及前瞻性思维能力。 这门课程不仅构建了多学科交叉的智库,还结合了文、史、哲、经、管、法、理、工等学科,以培养具备“厚通识、宽视野、多交叉”素养的全科人才。.
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想成为在科技创新领域的翘楚,掌握科技,并成为高层次的创新达人和领军人才吗?这不仅需要学习具体的创新技巧,还需要理解抽象的创新理念。要掌握这种理念,您可以通过学习《自然辩证法概论》这门课程来实现。虽然课程带有“哲学”色彩,因此显得“深奥”,但其坚持马克思主义立场,同时又极具科学性。 本课程首先从哲学的高度探讨人、自然与科技三者的互动之道,帮助学生辩.
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《现代西方哲学认知智慧》课程涵盖自19世纪中叶以来的主要西方哲学流派。这些流派涉及现代科技与人文学科,对未来哲学思维影响深远。课程通过四个板块——人文哲学、分析哲学、社会哲学及认知哲学——系统研究现代西方哲学。 课程适合哲学专业学生及对哲学、文化、历史感兴趣的人,帮助哲学本科生和研究生深入理解哲学基本理论。另外,课程也为非哲学专业学生提供了全面的人文素.
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Trial Lessons: Philosophy and Computer Science

Have you ever wanted to test out a study program for a day without any commitments? No papers, no travel—just a chance to become a master student for a day and see if it's your calling? You're in luck! This trial lecture opens the door to the fascinating field of Philosophy and Computer Science, a master's degree provided by the University of B.
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Ethics and AI: A Philosophical Guide to Responsible Use

Ethics and AI: A Philosophical Guide to Responsible Use Course Title: Ethics and AI: A Philosophical Guide to Responsible Use Description: This course aims to introduce foundational concepts related to defining AI and examining its regulation through a philosophical lens. Participants will be introduced to basic philosophic.
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AI and the Illusion of Intelligence

Explore the captivating journey of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our comprehensive course offered on Coursera, titled "AI and the Illusion of Intelligence". Dive into a fascinating non-technical exploration of AI's evolution and its trajectory towards the future. Understand why the notion of AI surpassing human intelligence is a misconception and.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 9-10 hours
sessions On-Demand
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