All current Project Planning Courses courses in 2024

26 Courses

ChatGPT for Project Managers: 10x Your Productivity with AI

ChatGPT for Project Managers: 10x Your Productivity with AI Unlock the potential of AI and take your project management skills to the next level with ChatGPT. Enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and effectively manage risks and changes with cutting-edge AI tools. This course, provided by LinkedIn Learning, integrates essential aspects o.
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Designing with Generative AI Course (How To)

Designing with Generative AI Course (How To) - Treehouse Join Dan in this course as he uses generative AI to design a website for a bakery, employing the tools and methods highlighted in AI Tools for Designers. What you'll learn Project planning using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT Creating sitemaps wit.
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Planning a Generative AI Project (Vietnamese)

Planning a Generative AI Project (Vietnamese) Planning a Generative AI Project là khóa học thứ hai trong chuỗi khóa học gồm ba phần có tên Generative AI Essentials for Business and Technical Decision Makers. Hãy bắt đầu với khóa học đầu tiên trong chuỗi khóa học này, Introduction to Generative AI - Art of the Possible, nếu bạn vẫn chưa học. Trong.
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Planning a Generative AI Project (Korean)

Planning a Generative AI Project (Korean) Planning a Generative AI Project는 비즈니스 및 기술 의사 결정권자를 위한 생성형 AI Essentials라는 3부 시리즈의 두 번째 과정입니다. 아직 완료하지 않았다면 시리즈의 첫째 과정인 Introduction to Generative AI - Art of the Possible부터 시작하십시오. 이 과정에서는 생성형 인공 지능(AI)과 관련된 기술적 기본 사항.
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Planning a Generative AI Project (Japanese)

Planning a Generative AI Project (Japanese) このコースでは、生成系人工知能 (AI) に関する技術的な基本と主要な用語について学びます。また、生成系 AI プロジェクトを計画するためのステップを学び、生成系 AI を使用するリスクと利点を評価します。 • コースのレベル: 初心者向け • 所要時間: 1 時間 この “Planning a Generative AI Project (Japanese)” は ”Genera.
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Planification d'un projet d'IA générative (Français) | Planning a Generative AI Project (French)

Planification d'un projet d'IA générative (Français) | Planning a Generative AI Project (French) - AWS Skill Builder Planification d'un projet d'IA générative est le deuxième cours d'une série de trois cours intitulée Notions essentielles de l'IA générative à l'intention des décideurs commerciaux et techniques. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait, c.
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