All current Responsible AI Courses courses in 2024

54 Courses

Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - Indonesian

Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - Indonesian En este curso, se presentan los conceptos de la IA responsable y los principios de la IA. Se abordan técnicas para identificar de forma práctica la equidad y los sesgos, y mitigar los sesgos en las prácticas de IA/AA. Se exploran métodos y herramientas funcionales para implementar prácti.
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Responsible AI for Digital Leaders with Google Cloud

Responsible AI for Digital Leaders with Google Cloud Enroll in the Responsible AI for Digital Leaders course offered by Google Cloud Skills Boost. This comprehensive course provides essential knowledge and practical tools to develop and implement artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly. Through exploring ethical considerations, best practices.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - 繁體中文

Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - 繁體中文 本課程旨在說明負責任 AI 技術的概念和 AI 開發原則,同時介紹各項技術,在實務上找出公平性和偏誤,減少 AI/機器學習做法上的偏誤。我們也將探討實用方法和工具,透過 Google Cloud 產品和開放原始碼工具,導入負責任 AI 技術的最佳做法。 University: Provider: Coursera Categories: Responsible AI Cours.
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Introduction to Responsible AI - 简体中文

Introduction to Responsible AI - 简体中文 | Coursera 这是一节入门级微课程,旨在解释什么是负责任的 AI、它的重要性,以及 Google 如何在自己的产品中实现负责任的 AI。此外,本课程还介绍了 Google 的 7 个 AI 开发原则。 提供单位: Coursera 分类: Responsible AI 课程
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Introduction to Responsible AI - Italiano

Introduction to Responsible AI - Italiano Questo è un corso di microlearning di livello introduttivo volto a spiegare cos'è l'IA responsabile, perché è importante e in che modo Google implementa l'IA responsabile nei propri prodotti. Introduce anche i 7 principi dell'IA di Google. University: Provider: Coursera Categories: Responsible AI Courses
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Responsible AI for Developers

This specialization equips developers with the essential knowledge and skills to build responsible AI systems by applying best practices of Fairness, Interpretability, Transparency, Privacy, and Safety. Identify and Mitigate Bias: Learn to recognize and address potential biases in your machine learning models to mitigate fairness issu.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias

Course Title: Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias Description: This course introduces fundamental concepts of responsible AI and core AI principles. Attendees will learn practical techniques for identifying and mitigating fairness and bias issues in AI/ML. The curriculum includes hands-on methods and tools to implement Responsible AI bes.
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Responsible AI Practices

Responsible AI Practices Master Responsible AI Practices with this comprehensive course, featuring real-world case studies and interactive content. Dive into Responsible AI with this course designed to help you implement ethical AI in your organization. You'll explore Responsible AI principles, their evolution, and practical applications through.
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Responsible AI: Privacy & Safety - Português

Responsible AI: Privacy & Safety - Português Este curso apresenta tópicos importantes sobre privacidade e segurança da IA. Ele também aborda recursos e métodos úteis para implementar práticas recomendadas de privacidade e segurança da IA com o uso de produtos do Google Cloud e ferramentas de código aberto. University: Provider: Coursera Categor.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Privacy & Safety - Polski

Responsible AI for Developers: Privacy & Safety - Polski To szkolenie wprowadza w ważne kwestie dotyczące prywatności i bezpieczeństwa w dziedzinie AI. W jego trakcie przedstawiamy praktyczne techniki i narzędzia, które umożliwiają wdrożenie sprawdzonych metod w zakresie prywatności i bezpieczeństwa AI przy użyciu usług Google.
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All upcoming courses at Responsible AI Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Responsible AI Courses and choose the one that's right for you.