All current Self-Awareness Courses courses in 2024

39 Courses

Cultural Humility and Agility

Explore the power of cultural humility and agility to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
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Remove Emotional Blocks, Overcome Fear, Anxiety, Frustration

Enhance your emotional intelligence and master your inner peace with the "Remove Emotional Blocks, Overcome Fear, Anxiety, Frustration" course on Udemy. This transformative course is designed to help you stay unaffected by external pressures and cultivate a winning mind. Delve into comprehensive content covering crucial areas such as Emotional Int.
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Confidence, Assertiveness and Emotional IQ Mastery Course

Confidence, Assertiveness and Emotional IQ Mastery Course | Udemy Discover powerful tools to elevate your self-awareness and improve your communication skills with the Confidence, Assertiveness and Emotional IQ Mastery Course. This comprehensive course offered by Udemy will guide you in building resilience and sharpening your emo.
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Central to modern educational policies, college student mental health education is pivotal as an integral component of moral education and a strategy for fostering personal growth in higher education. It aims to cultivate psychological health awareness, improve psychological quality, and enhance adaptation and social skills among students, helpin.
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《大学生心理健康》是一门结合知识讲授、心理体验与行为训练的必修课程,致力于帮助大学生认识并理解自己,从而实现个人成长和发展。你是否真的了解自己?是否满意自己?如何处理与他人的关系?如何面对生命和爱情?这些问题将在课程中找到答案。 课程的宗旨是通过“培养心理品质,面向全体学生,坚持立德树人”的教育理念,帮助学生明确心理健康的重要性和意义,增强心理保健.
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这门课专为研究生设计,旨在普及心理卫生知识,增强身心健康的自我保健意识。课程涵盖的主题包括研究生适应与发展、自我认知与个性完善、情绪管理与压力应对、人际沟通与人际交往、以及恋爱与性心理等重要内容。 课程内容通过富有趣味的语言和真实生动的故事进行讲解,帮助学员从自知、自尊、自信、自律、自省等多个维度提升自己的心理素质。学习目标是帮助研究生更好地.
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本课程旨在帮助学生清晰理解心理健康标准,增强自我心理保健和心理危机预防意识,掌握并应用心理知识,全面提升心理素质,促进学生的全面发展。 课程共设九个专题: 专题一:《我是谁》 专题二:《人格使你与众不同》 专题三:《情绪管理与调控——情绪和谐的奥秘》 专题四:《做时间的好朋友》 专题五:《人际交往中大受欢迎的小秘密》 专题六:.
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