All current Self-Driving Cars Courses courses in 2024

5 Courses


《5G与人工智能》是一门专为社会学习者和本科生开设的通识课程,面向希望了解未来工作和新技术发展的学员。无论是对5G、人工智能或相关领域工作有意向的文、理、工科学生,均可选修此课程。 课程目标在于让学员掌握当下热门的科技话题,包括5G和人工智能的基础知识,并为未来就业做好准备。课程响应国家战略,通过全新视角,以浅显易懂的方式进行阐述,并引导解决部分难点。.
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(1) 讲解无人驾驶车辆定义、技术发展、未来趋势与发展热点,使学生了解无人驾驶及汽车的发展方向,拓展学生视野; (2) 教授无人驾驶技术及原理,让学生掌握车辆涉及的关键技术,提升在该方面的研究水平; (3) 学习并掌握传感器的基本理论知识,深入掌握单片机的开发应用和编程控制; (4) 指导学生以 K60 系列单片机为车辆控制的 CPU,通过编程和外围电路设计实现智能小车.
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本课程由北京联合大学机器人学院院长李德毅院士指导,通过多年无人驾驶技术研究的积累,形成了独具特色的教学内容。 (1) 面向产业热点,解决企业的人才需求。 无人驾驶技术迅速发展需要大量优秀的人才。本课程紧跟企业需要,结合现有专业知识,深入浅出地讲述无人驾驶技术的基本原理,引导学生在这一多学科交叉领域中进行研究。 (2) 以科研实践为基础,推动知识传授。.
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Advanced Driving Assistance System

Explore the main contents of this course, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of driverless vehicles and their evolution. Learn the fundamental principles and key technologies behind autonomous vehicles, including environment perception, obstacle avoidance, and path planning. Students will gain hands-on experience by constructing a.
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Self-Driving Car Specialization Course

Embark on a transformative journey into the cutting-edge world of self-driving cars through this comprehensive specialization. This course covers foundational principles and advanced decision-making required to design, implement, and test self-driving car technologies. The curriculum begins with an introduction to autonomous vehicles, detailin.
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