All current Sustainability Courses courses in 2024
17 Courses
Sustainability & Technology: Executive Briefing
Title: Sustainability & Technology: Executive Briefing
Description: Dive into the intersection of sustainability and technology in this informative Executive Briefing. Discover essential concepts, define and manage your sustainability objectives, and learn about both the advantages and challenges of current technologies in promoting sustainabil.
Free Trial Available
43 minutes
사람, 기술, 모빌리티의 미래
사람, 기술, 모빌리티의 미래
사람, 기술, 모빌리티의 미래 강좌에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 이 강좌는 모빌리티 분야에서 현재 활용하고 있는 주요 기술 혁신 중 일부를 일반인을 대상으로 소개하고, 학습자가 이러한 기술의 사회적 영향을 이해할 수 있도록 다양한 사회과학적 개념을 적용해 보도록 지원합니다.
모든 분야의 학습자가 수강할 수 있으며, 공학 또는 사회과학.
Sustainable Supply Chain Operations and Technology
Sustainable Supply Chain Operations and Technology - SSCP03 is designed to further your understanding of foundational Sustainability and Supply Chain knowledge acquired during the first two ISCEA SSCP01-02.
Technology and Tools must be utilized to foster innovation toward a circular Supply Chain Model. Technology such as robotics, drones, AI, a.
The Next Generation of Infrastructure
Our societies increasingly rely on the reliable and affordable supply of energy, water, transport and IT-based services. However, these critical infrastructures are changing dramatically. They are increasingly web-based, interconnected, interdependent and transnational, often with fragmented public and private ownership.
Looking to the future,.
Free Online Course (Audit)
7 weeks, 6-8 hours a week
Logística del futuro
Logística del Futuro
En este curso en línea se profundizarán temas relacionados con avances, desarrollos e implementaciones en el sector industrial.
Los principales retos del futuro de la logística deben tener soluciones tecnológicas que incentivan la competitividad y la sostenibilidad de las empresas como:
Energías alternativas
Inteligencia Ar.
Free Online Course (Audit)
5 weeks, 3-5 hours a week
How to Develop Soft Skills for Sustainability
How to Develop Soft Skills for Sustainability
Join our course on How to Develop Soft Skills for Sustainability and gain the essential skills needed to contribute towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course, provided by FutureLearn's ExpertTrack, will help you understand the critical role that soft skills play in al.
FutureLearn ExpertTrack
Paid Course
16 weeks
Jane Goodall Teaches Conservation
Join Dr. Jane Goodall for her inaugural online class, presented by MasterClass, where she delves into crucial conservation techniques and shares invaluable insights into the behavioral patterns of chimpanzees. Discover what these primates have taught her about conservation and learn actionable steps you can take to make a difference locally and saf.
Free Trial Available
5 hours
Leadership Skills for Building a Global Community
Title: Leadership Skills for Building a Global Community
Description: Enhance your leadership capabilities with a comprehensive five-week course from Ubiquity University, offered through FutureLearn. This course focuses on mastering facilitation and negotiation skills essential for driving change and building a global community. Initially, particip.
Free Online Course (Audit)
5 weeks, 3 hours a week
AI, Business & the Future of Work
Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the business landscape and preparing organizations for the future of work with this cutting-edge course from Lund University, available on Coursera. Dive into a comprehensive journey guided by Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, exploring how AI can make your organization more efficient, sustainab.
Free Online Course (Audit)
12 hours