All current 3D Printing Courses courses in 2024

5 Courses

Digital Biomaterials

Explore the frontier of oral health technology with Yale University's edX course titled "Digital Biomaterials." Guided by a distinguished team of 25 dental practitioners and researchers, including HKU's Professor Jukka P. Matinlinna and Dr. James K.H. Tsoi, this comprehensive 4-week course covers 10 dental specialties. Participants will delve into.
provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 4 weeks, 2-4 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Evolución tecnológica en la industria de la Construcción, Arquitectura e Ingeniería (AECO)

Evolución Tecnológica en la Industria de la Construcción, Arquitectura e Ingeniería (AECO) Tradicionalmente, la industria AECO (Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Construcción y Operación) ha sido caracterizada por una baja innovación tecnológica. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, este sector ha experimentado un cambio significativo. Las innovaciones digit.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5 weeks, 4-5 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Arduino ile Robotik Kodlama Başlangıç Eğitimi (15 Proje )

Arduino ile Robotik Kodlama Başlangıç Eğitimi (15 Proje) 15 Adet Uygulamalı Projeyle (3D Printer ...) Platformdaki En Kapsamlı Arduino ile Robotik Kodlama Eğitimini Kaçırmayın!.. University: Provided by Udemy Categories: Robotics Courses, Artificial Intelligence Courses, Arduino Courses, 3D Printing Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 8 hours 58 minutes
sessions On-Demand


第四次工业革命,简称“工业4.0”,自2013年德国汉诺威工业博览会提出以来,标志着工业和制造业的又一次重大变革。 由西安思源学院面向全校本科生推出的这门公共选修课,通过探讨第四次工业革命的概念、发展历程、相关技术及实际应用,以及其对社会发展的影响,帮助学生理解工业进步如何积极影响我们的生活和生态文明,并体验科技的力量。这门课程的授课对象为大二到大四的本科.
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Advances in Additive Manufacturing of Materials: Current status and emerging opportunities

About the Course: Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to the layer-by-layer deposition of materials to create objects as per their design, playing crucial roles in various sectors, such as aerospace, transportation, energy, and healthcare. Various AM processes are utilized globally for these applications. This course, founded on extensive research.
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