All current Amazon Lex Courses courses in 2024
13 Courses
Build a question-answering bot using generative AI
This lab offers a comprehensive guide on creating a question-answering chatbot with generative AI capabilities. Utilizing stateless, retrieval augmented generation, this tutorial provides in-depth instructions on leveraging AWS Classroom courses to answer queries effectively.
Objectives: Successfully completing this lab will enable participants to:.

Twitch Series: AWS Power Hour Amazon Connect & Amazon Lex
Explore the essentials of customer service technology in the "AWS Power Hour: Amazon Connect & Amazon Lex" series on Twitch. This digital training course, provided by AWS Skill Builder, is tailored for developers, solution architects, data engineers, and anyone eager to learn about machine learning. It delves into Amazon Connect—an efficient, omnic.

Amazon Lex Getting Started
Explore the possibilities of AI with the "Amazon Lex Getting Started" course offered by AWS Skill Builder. This fundamental course spans 1 hour and is packed with valuable content designed to introduce participants to the robust capabilities of Amazon Lex, a fully managed AI service. Participants will delve into natural language models and discover.

Conceitos básicos do Amazon Lex (Português) | Amazon Lex Getting Started (Portuguese)
Conceitos básicos do Amazon Lex (Português) | Amazon Lex Getting Started (Portuguese)
O Amazon Lex é um serviço de inteligência artificial (IA) totalmente gerenciado com modelos avançados de linguagem natural para projetar, criar, testar e implantar interfaces de conversação para voz e texto. Neste curso de introdução, você aprenderá sobre os be.

Introducción a Amazon Lex (Español LATAM) | Amazon Lex Getting Started (LATAM Spanish)
Introducción a Amazon Lex (Español LATAM) | Amazon Lex Getting Started (LATAM Spanish)
Amazon Lex es un servicio de inteligencia artificial (IA) completamente administrado con modelos avanzados de lenguaje natural para diseñar, crear, probar e implementar interfaces de conversación con voz y texto. En este curso introductorio, conocerá las ventaja.

Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (Traditional Chinese)
Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (Traditional Chinese)
在此實驗室中,您將建置可回答 AWS 服務相關問題的 Chatbot。此實驗室的設計訴求是讓您實際體驗如何部署大型語言模型 (LLM)、將該模型與 Amazon Kendra 資料來源整合,以及建置可詢問 LLM 並使用檢索增強生成 (RAG) 來找出使用者問題解答的 Amazon Lex V2 Chatbot。此實驗室可協助您了解如何透過.

Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (Japanese)
Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (Japanese)
このラボでは、AWS のサービスに関する質問に答えるチャットボットを作成します。大規模言語モデル (LLM) のデプロイ、Amazon Kendra データソースとの統合、LLM にクエリを実行して検索拡張生成 (RAG) を使用する Amazon Lex V2 チャットボットの作成などの実践的な経験を提供します。このラボを通じて、言.

Cree un bot de búsqueda de respuestas mediante la IA generativa (Español LATAM) | Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (LATAM Spanish)
Cree un bot de búsqueda de respuestas mediante la IA generativa (Español LATAM) | Build a Question-answering Bot using Generative AI (LATAM Spanish)
Información general del laboratorio
En este laboratorio, creará un chatbot que responde preguntas sobre los servicios de AWS. El laboratorio está diseñado para proporcionarle experiencia práctica.

AWS SimuLearn: Chatbot for Credit Card Services
AWS SimuLearn: Chatbot for Credit Card Services
AWS SimuLearn is an online learning experience that pairs generative AI-powered simulations with hands-on practice to help individuals learn how to translate business problems into technical solutions through the simulation of dialog between a customer and a technology professional.
AWS SimuLearn: Cha.

AWS SimuLearn: Chatbots with a Large Language Model (LLM)
AWS SimuLearn is an online learning experience that pairs generative AI-powered simulations with hands-on practice to help individuals learn how to translate business problems into technical solutions through the simulation of dialogue between a customer and a technology professional.
In this AWS SimuLearn assignment, you will review a real-world.