Chalmers University of Technology

3 Courses

California Institute of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology

Music makes one healthy

“Music makes one healthy” is an innovative micro-course designed to enhance the physical and mental health of college students through music. Based on music therapy, it leverages students' everyday interactions with music to illustrate its role in promoting wellbeing. This course features fifteen lectures, each crafted around themes pertinent t.
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California Institute of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology


生物医学工程是一门医工融合的交叉学科,综合工程学、物理学、生物学和医学的理论和方法,研究人体系统的状态变化,并通过工程技术手段解决医学问题。其最终目的是保障人类健康并提高生活品质,为社会和谐发展和自我完善服务。在实现这些目标的过程中,伦理价值选择至关重要。 本课程将医学伦理与工程伦理相结合,深入探讨人体试验、动物实验、制药工程及科研中的伦理问.
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California Institute of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology


《人工智能与医学数据计算》课程共分为十节课。课程从人工智能与医学数据计算的背景知识入手,提供人工智能和深度学习的发展概述。第二课分析人工智能目标,介绍关键技术及相关概念,重点解析两种不同人工智能技术的区别与联系。 第三和第四节课概述人工智能的基本应用场景及操作环境的软硬件要求,为后续的深度学习关键技术学习奠定基础。第五节课关注深度学习网络架构,.
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Chalmers is a world-leading university in Sweden, ranked among the top 100 universities worldwide. With research and education in technology, natural sciences, and architecture, Chalmers provides a unique blend of advanced knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration.