All current Cognitive Sciences Courses courses in 2024

8 Courses


本课程的特色包括: 注重人工智能核心技术体系的构建,讲解全面完整,涵盖多个核心技术途径,如机器学习和神经网络等。 从“认识你自己”角度出发,将内容有机结合为一个整体,便于系统理解和掌握。 培养解决实际问题的思路,通过案例示例展示基本思路。 注重人工智能思维模式的建构,强调技术与非技术的区别。 注重技术创新思维的培养和建构。 本课程自2008年起.
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大脑作为人类思维的中枢,是接受外界信号、形成意识和发出指令的核心机构。尽管脑科学已取得显著进展,仍有许多未解的谜团。作为21世纪的前沿科学之一,脑科学为我们理解自然和自身提供了深刻的视角。 《脑科学与认知》课程为生物医学工程、智能医学工程及人工智能专业的学生提供了探索脑与认知科学的理论和应用平台。本课程从基础到应用,全面概述脑科学和认知科学的基本.
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Social Behavior and the Brain: An Introduction to Social Neuroscience

Discover the intricate neural mechanisms behind human social behavior with our in-depth course on social neuroscience. This educational offering delves into various facets of human social behavior, including self-awareness, facial recognition, and the interpretation of social interactions, all through the lens of brain function. This course.
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Transforming Life and Organizations in the Digital Age

Welcome to "Transforming Life and Organizations in the Digital Age," a groundbreaking course designed to explore the rapid pace of digital transformation in our world today. Discover why individuals and organizations are swiftly embracing digital technologies and the profound reasons driving this shift. As innovations like AI assistants and virtual.
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