Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation

University of Naples Federico II via Coursera


19 Courses

La University of Naples Federico II è un prestigioso ateneo pubblico con una lunga storia di eccellenza nella ricerca, nell'insegnamento e nell'innovazione. Offre una vasta gamma di programmi accademici dal livello di laurea a quello di dottorato.

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Discover the fascinating world of chimpanzees in our comprehensive online course "Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation", offered through Coursera by the University of Naples Federico II. Delve into the remarkable discoveries initiated by Jane Goodall in the 1960s at Gombe, Tanzania, as we continue to study the same chimpanzee families she first encountered. With the guidance of our knowledgeable instructors, who have extensive experience with the Gombe chimpanzees, prepare to explore the profound similarities and intriguing differences between chimpanzees and humans across various dimensions including intelligence, tool use, personality, and social dynamics.

Throughout the course, you will not only learn about the rich behavioral patterns and how they interact with their ecological environment but also confront the pressing conservation challenges facing chimpanzees today. Equip yourself with the knowledge to advocate effectively for the protection of these complex beings. While a background in high-school level biology might enhance your understanding, it is not a prerequisite for this eye-opening journey into the world of chimpanzees. Please note, the course encompasses a full spectrum of chimpanzee life, including their sexual and aggressive behaviors, in the scientific discussions.

Join us in this enlightening journey to deepen your understanding of our closely related cousins in the animal kingdom. This course falls under the categories of Biology Courses and Ecology Courses, catering to anyone eager to learn more about chimpanzee behavior and conservation efforts.


Taught by

Emily Boehm, Anne Pusey and Kara Walker


united states

provider Coursera


1275 Courses


pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
language English
duration 18 hours
sessions On-Demand
level Beginner