Identity, Agency, Equality and Security in the Age of AI

via XuetangX


312 Courses

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Artificial intelligence is now a core component of devices people use daily, from smartphones and wearables to smart home appliances and autonomous vehicles. Despite its prevalence, there is a significant gap in fundamental understanding of AI systems. These technologies not only change daily tasks and decisions but also raise profound questions for individuals, society, the economy, and governance. This course seeks to explore these questions by delving into the various implications of AI systems.

Throughout the semester, students will:

  • Acquire fundamental knowledge and develop critical thinking skills regarding the broader implications of AI-powered systems.
  • Investigate what it means to be human in an AI-driven world.
  • Examine key ethical issues from economic, social, political, cultural, and artistic perspectives.
  • Improve English language skills by engaging with course materials, lectures, and discussions in English.

Course Schedule

1Brief History of AI
2What is AI?Online Discussion 1
3AI & Employment 1
4AI & Employment 2Online Discussion 2 / Quiz 1
5AI & Security 1
6AI & Security 2Online Discussion 3 / Quiz 2
7AI & Privacy 1
8AI & Privacy 2Online Discussion 4 / Quiz 3
9Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
10AI & Bias 1
11AI & Bias 2Online Discussion 5 / Quiz 4
12AI & Automated Decision MakingQuiz 5
13AI & Creativity 1
14AI & Creativity 2Online Discussion 6 / Quiz 6
15Final ExamFinal Exam

Course Management Team


  • Professor Hae Chin Moon
  • Ewha Womans University, HOKMA General Education College, Assistant Professor

Course Support Team:

  • Course TA: Minjeong Son | Ewha Womans University Graduate School
  • Course Support Office: Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, Ewha Womans University
  • Email: [email protected]

This course is offered by XuetangX and falls under the categories of Artificial Intelligence Courses, Ethics Courses, Privacy Courses, Creativity Courses, and Bias Courses.


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