Informed Clinical Decision Making using Deep Learning

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati via Coursera  Specialization

Coursera  Specialization

11 Courses

IIT Guwahati is a public engineering institution established in 1994 and located in Assam. It is one of the most prestigious engineering institutes in India and has been ranked 1st among all IITs in placements and research.

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Embark on a groundbreaking journey to reshape clinical decision-making with the cutting-edge "Informed Clinical Decision Making using Deep Learning" specialization. Designed for programmers eager to enhance their expertise, this program delves into the transformative application of deep learning on Electronic Health Records, leading towards the development of sophisticated Clinical Decision Support Systems.

Participants will navigate through comprehensive modules, starting with the ethical considerations and practical techniques of Data Mining in Clinical Databases, including an in-depth study of the MIMIC III database and the International Classification of Disease System, alongside defining common clinical outcomes. The specialization progresses to uncovering the potentials of deep learning in Electronic Health Records, transitioning from descriptive to predictive analytics, and setting the stage for the development of explainable deep learning models tailored for healthcare applications. The importance and methodology of crafting models that are not only technically proficient but also ethically sound, emphasizing generalization, bias minimization, ‘fairness’, clinical efficacy, and stringent privacy protocols for artificial intelligence algorithms, are thoroughly examined.

Offered by the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and available on Coursera, this specialization is categorized under Deep Learning Courses, Data Mining Courses, and Clinical Research Courses. It stands as a beacon for those driven to integrate AI seamlessly into healthcare, promising a future where clinical decisions are more informed, nuanced, and technologically empowered.


Taught by

Fani Deligianni


united kingdom

provider Coursera  Specialization

Coursera  Specialization

106 Courses

Coursera  Specialization

pricing Paid Course
language English
duration 22 weeks, 5 hours a week
level Intermediate