All current Data Mining Courses courses in 2024

44 Courses

Mineração de Regras de Associação com Python, Apriori e SQL

Mineração de Regras de Associação com Python, Apriori e SQL Aprenda a descobrir padrões escondidos em bases de dados comerciais utilizando regras de associação com o Python! Disponível na: Universidade: Udemy Categories: Inteligência Artificial Python Mineração de Dados SQL MySQL
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 7 hours
sessions On-Demand

Advanced Data Analytics & Story-Telling Techniques

Advanced Data Analytics & Story-Telling Techniques Join our Advanced Data Analytics & Story-Telling Techniques course to master the art of deriving insights from raw data. Learn to use slicers, pivot-tables, and graphs in Excel to present your data effectively. Perfect for professionals looking to enhance their skills in Busine.
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From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版 ぺタバイトのデータを数秒でクエリ・処理する方法を学びたい、またはデータ分析においてデータ量が増加しても自動でスケーラブルにする方法を学習したい方には、このコースが最適です。 ここでは、Google BigQuery データセットからデータマイニング、ビジュアル化、ローディング、などインタラクティブなシナリ.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 26 weeks, 1 hour a week

Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel

Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel Die Schlagwörter Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Science, Data Engineering, und Big Data dominieren seit einigen Jahren nicht nur die IT-Schlagzeilen. In unserem Kurs wollen wir diese Wörter mit grundlegendem Inhalt füllen und die typischen Arbeitsschritte eines Data Scientists.

Machine Learning for Music Information Retrieval

An introduction to data mining through the lens of music information retrieval. Topics explored include classification (genre, mood, instrument), multi-label classification (tagging), and regression (emotion/mood). University: Provider: Kadenze Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Data Mining Courses, Regression Analysis Courses
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provider Kadenze
pricing $350.00
duration 50 hours
sessions On-Demand

Data Mining for Smart Cities

Data Mining for Smart Cities | Arizona State University | Coursera Internet of things (IoT) has become a significant component of urban life, giving rise to “smart cities.” These smart cities aim to transform present-day urban conglomerates into citizen-friendly and environmentally sustainable living spaces. The digital infrastructure of smart c.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 63 hours
sessions On-Demand

Power BI para Leigos! Crie ainda hoje seu primeiro Dashboard

Power BI para Leigos! Crie seu primeiro Dashboard hoje mesmo | Udemy Curso: Power BI para Leigos! Crie seu primeiro Dashboard hoje mesmo Descrição: Curso dedicado para aquelas pessoas que querem aprender rapidamente a ferramenta e já criar seus painéis profissionais! Universidade: Udemy Categorias: Data Mining Courses, Data Visualization Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 1 hour 49 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Minería de datos aplicada al marketing

Minería de datos aplicada al marketing ¿Conoces realmente a tus clientes? ¿Sabes qué productos compran o te basas en suposiciones? En este curso, aprenderás a construir modelos basados en técnicas de minería de datos para obtener información relevante de tus clientes y descubrir patrones de comportamiento, permitiéndote definir estrategias de mar.
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provider edX  Professional Certificate
pricing $78.00
duration 10 weeks, 4-5 hours a week

Minería de Datos: Segmentación de Mercados

Minería de Datos: Segmentación de Mercados Es fundamental conocer a nuestros clientes para alcanzar nuestro objetivo general. Este conocimiento debe ser profundo, no solo de sus cualidades y características, sino también de sus patrones de comportamiento como consumidor. Esta es información necesaria para alcanzar la fidelización del cliente. Un c.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5 weeks, 4-5 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Getting Started with Data Science

Getting Started with Data Science In 2012, Harvard Business Review named data science the "sexiest job of the 21st century." Why are data scientists in such demand these days? The answer is that over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the data generated and retained by companies, and they need to leverage and exploit it. Data scientis.
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