All current Data Mining Courses courses in 2024

54 Courses

Machine Learning for Healthcare Professionals

Title: Machine Learning for Healthcare Professionals Description: Examines data mining perspectives and methods in a healthcare context. Introduces the theoretical foundations for major data mining methods and studies how to select and use the appropriate data mining method and the major advantages for each. Students are exposed to contemporary.
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课程教学设计 本课程的教学设计系统且完备,围绕“用好系统”和“造好系统”两个核心主题,分为十章,回答了管理信息系统的“是什么”(第1、2章)、“技术基础是什么”(第3-5章)、“有什么用”(第6章)、及“怎么用”(第9-10章)等问题。从管理和业务人员的视角,探讨如何建设系统(第7-8章),引入了管理信息系统与区块链、元宇宙的结合以及算法在数据洞察中的应用等新颖观点和技.
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Welcome to AI TIME: 你的KDD小课堂, a comprehensive course offered by XuetangX, where you can delve into the cutting-edge fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Mining. Enhance your knowledge and skills through meticulously crafted content, tailored to turn complex concepts into approachable, engaging lessons. Join a commun.
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AI TIME:深度推荐系统的探索与实践

AI TIME: 深度推荐系统的探索与实践 Delve into the world of deep recommendation systems with our in-depth lecture conducted in Chinese, brought to you by XuetangX. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of both the theoretical underpinnings and practical implementations of recommendation algorithms. Engage with key concepts and examine how.
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欢迎加入系统、科学且专业的机器学习入门课程。这门课程不仅涵盖传统的机器学习内容,还包括了深度学习的先进知识。您将学习到机器学习和深度学习的基础理论、算法原理及数据处理技巧,并且通过实际案例分析提高自己的实践能力,从而为未来的学习和职业发展奠定坚实基础。 这是一门针对机器学习初学者设计的课程,涵盖广泛的基本知识,适合各专业背景的学生参与学习。无论您的.
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Getting Started with Data Science

In 2012, Harvard Business Review labeled data science as the "sexiest job of the 21st century." The high demand for data scientists today stems from the massive surge in data generation and retention by companies over the last decade, creating a need for skilled professionals to leverage and utilize this information effectively. Data scientists are.

Ciencia de Datos Aplicada al Marketing

Ciencia de Datos Aplicada al Marketing - Coursera Históricamente, las matemáticas nacieron por la necesidad de entender nuestro entorno y tomar decisiones. La ciencia de datos se enfoca en el procesamiento de datos: analizar, explorar e interpretar conjuntos de datos, proporcionando una visión completa del presente. La ciencia de datos no es e.
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Machine Learning for Music Information Retrieval

An introduction to data mining through the lens of music information retrieval. Topics explored include classification (genre, mood, instrument), multi-label classification (tagging), and regression (emotion/mood). University: Provider: Kadenze Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Data Mining Courses, Regression Analysis Courses
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provider Kadenze
pricing $350.00
duration 50 hours
sessions On-Demand

Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel

Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel Die Schlagwörter Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Science, Data Engineering, und Big Data dominieren seit einigen Jahren nicht nur die IT-Schlagzeilen. In unserem Kurs wollen wir diese Wörter mit grundlegendem Inhalt füllen und die typischen Arbeitsschritte eines Data Scientists.

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud 日本語版 ぺタバイトのデータを数秒でクエリ・処理する方法を学びたい、またはデータ分析においてデータ量が増加しても自動でスケーラブルにする方法を学習したい方には、このコースが最適です。 ここでは、Google BigQuery データセットからデータマイニング、ビジュアル化、ローディング、などインタラクティブなシナリ.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 26 weeks, 1 hour a week
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