Java Programming: Build a Recommendation System

University of Naples Federico II via

University of Naples Federico II

19 Courses

La University of Naples Federico II è un prestigioso ateneo pubblico con una lunga storia di eccellenza nella ricerca, nell'insegnamento e nell'innovazione. Offre una vasta gamma di programmi accademici dal livello di laurea a quello di dottorato.

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Java Programming: Build a Recommendation System

Ever wonder how Netflix decides what movies to recommend for you? Or how Amazon suggests books? Get hands-on experience by building a simplified recommender system of your own!

In this capstone project, you will demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and Java programming skills by developing recommender systems. Working with movie data, including ratings, you'll grasp principles that apply broadly to books, restaurants, and more. Your program will answer vital questions about the data, such as which items should be recommended to a user based on their movie ratings.

Given input files on user ratings and movie titles, you will be able to:

  1. Read and parse data into lists and maps
  2. Calculate average ratings
  3. Determine the similarity between raters based on their ratings
  4. Recommend movies to a user based on their ratings
  5. Display recommended movies for a user on a webpage

Join us at the University of Naples Federico II and take part in this comprehensive course. Improve your knowledge in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning while sharpening your Java expertise.

Provider: Coursera

Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Machine Learning Courses, Recommender Systems Courses, Java Courses


Taught by

Robert Duvall, Owen Astrachan, Susan H. Rodger and Andrew D. Hilton


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