University System of Maryland

Generating Vision: Long-Term Big Ideas That Motivate Employees and Stakeholders

University System of Maryland via edX


18 Cursos

University of Maryland Courses: The Main Information

The University System of Maryland (USM) is one of the largest and most diverse higher education systems in the United States. It includes 12 institutions, each offering unique opportunities for students. USM is dedicated to providing affordable and quality education, as well as actively promoting research. In today's world, where technology and student needs are constantly changing, the University System of Maryland adapts its programmes by incorporating innovative approaches such as artificial intelligence and online learning.

Extensive courses and programmes

Within the University System of Maryland, students can choose from a wide range of courses and classes, including both traditional education and modern online learning. University System of Maryland courses are geared towards different levels of education, ranging from bachelor's degrees to master's and doctoral degrees. The peculiarity of this educational institution is that according to the current market requirements, the courses are updated every year, which allows students to remain competitive in their fields. For example, in the field of information technology and business management, programmes that integrate AI and other modern technologies are emerging.

Classes at the University of Maryland

One of the key aspects of studying at the University of Maryland courses is the classes that are offered in a variety of formats. Students are able to choose between face-to-face and online classes, which gives flexibility to the educational process. The university actively uses interactive teaching methods, which makes classes more interesting and contributes to better learning of the material. No less important is the fact that University of Maryland classes cover a variety of disciplines and specialities. This gives students the opportunity not only to study their major in depth, but also to broaden their horizons by studying additional subjects.

Online lessons: accessible to everyone

With online education becoming increasingly popular, University of Maryland online courses are a great solution for those who can't or don't want to attend classes in a traditional format. The convenience of online learning attracts many students, allowing them to study in a comfortable environment and at a convenient time. University courses offered in an online format provide the same quality of education as face-to-face classes. Students can interact with instructors, complete assignments, and take exams online. University of Maryland online classes include all the necessary resources such as video lectures, study materials, and communication platforms to provide students with a complete educational experience.

Innovation in education: artificial intelligence

The education system is always looking to adopt new technologies, and AI education has become one of the most important topics in today's courses. The University of Maryland is actively integrating artificial intelligence into its educational programmes. This allows students not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also to apply it in practice.

Modern trends in learning today

The University of Maryland University System has always strived to keep up with the times. With current trends in education such as distance learning and the use of technology such as virtual and augmented reality, the university adapts its courses to meet the needs of students. This makes access to quality education wider and more affordable.


The University System of Maryland offers many opportunities for learning and professional growth. A wide range of course offerings, a variety of learning formats - from traditional to online - and the introduction of innovative technologies such as AI Education make USM one of the best places to pursue higher education. Students can rest assured that their education will be relevant and of high quality, ensuring a successful future in the labour market!

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Descubre el poder transformador del pensamiento visionario en "Generando Visión: Ideas Grandes a Largo Plazo que Motivan a Empleados y Accionistas". Este curso integral está diseñado para CEOs, fundadores, emprendedores y gerentes de producto ansiosos por desarrollar planes de negocios y hojas de ruta de producto que no solo anticipen el futuro, sino que también inspiren innovaciones radicales e integren tecnologías de vanguardia como la inteligencia artificial. Hace énfasis en la necesidad de una visión empresarial bien definida y con miras al futuro para navegar la incertidumbre, tomar decisiones estratégicas y aprovechar el potencial colectivo de los equipos para anticipar y satisfacer las necesidades futuras de los clientes.

La investigación subraya que una perspectiva a largo plazo a menudo distingue a las empresas, impulsando el crecimiento al identificar y abordar posibles obstáculos y oportunidades por adelantado. A través de un examen crítico de varias declaraciones de visión empresarial y sus deficiencias para motivar equipos, los participantes aprenderán el arte del brainstorming efectivo, el pensamiento futuro y la planificación estratégica. Este curso equipa a los líderes con las herramientas para inspirar a su fuerza laboral y a los accionistas fomentando una cultura de pensamiento a largo plazo, previsión estratégica, planificación de escenarios e generación de ideas impactantes.

Al contrastar la esencia de las declaraciones de misión y la visión estratégica, este curso guía a la gestión para centrarse en el pensamiento orientado al futuro con un horizonte de cinco a diez años y más allá. Destaca las trampas del "cortoplacismo" donde los objetivos inmediatos eclipsan proyectos ambiciosos enfocados en el futuro. Los participantes serán introducidos a nuevos marcos, herramientas y plantillas diseñadas para impulsar la planificación a largo plazo y la realización de importantes ganancias económicas para todos los accionistas.

Es notable que menos del 10% de los líderes se identifican como visionarios. Este curso aborda el desafío de fomentar un liderazgo visionario capaz de guiar productos, equipos y empresas hacia un futuro próspero. Explora ejemplos exitosos de organizaciones líderes como AARP, Patagonia, Amazon y la Clínica Mayo, mostrando sus estrategias para emplear la planificación retrospectiva del futuro, la previsión estratégica y la visión para crear una estrella polar convincente para sus empeños.

Organizado por el Sistema Universitario de Maryland y disponible en edX, este curso se incluye en varias categorías críticas incluyendo Compromiso con los Accionistas, Liderazgo, Sostenibilidad y Gestión de Producto, prometiendo ser un viaje revelador para cualquier líder determinado a dirigir su organización hacia el éxito a largo plazo.

Programa de estudio

Enseñado por

Daniel Forrester


united states

provider edX


294 Cursos


pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
language English
duration 4 weeks, 2-3 hours a week
sessions On-Demand
level Beginner