Generative AI courses

542 Courses

Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 简体中文

Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 简体中文 Google Workspace 专用 Gemini 是一个插件,可在 Google Workspace 中为客户提供生成式 AI 功能。在本学习路线中,您将了解 Gemini 的主要功能,以及如何在 Google Workspace 中使用它们来提高工作效率。
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Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 한국어

Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 한국어 Google Workspace를 위한 Gemini는 고객에게 Google Workspace의 생성형 AI 기능을 제공하는 부가기능입니다. 이 학습 과정에서는 Gemini의 주요 기능을 살펴보고 이러한 기능으로 Google Workspace의 생산성과 효율성을 향상하는 방법을 알아봅니다. University: Provider: Coursera Categories: Generative AI.
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Gemini in Google Slides - 简体中文

Gemini in Google Slides - 简体中文 | Coursera Google Workspace 专用 Gemini 是一个插件,可在 Google Workspace 中为客户提供生成式 AI 功能。在本迷你课程中,您将了解 Gemini 的主要功能,以及如何在 Google 幻灯片中使用它们来提高工作效率。 University: Provider: Coursera Categories: Generative AI Courses, Google Slides Courses, Gemini Co.
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Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - Español

University: Provider: Coursera Categories: Generative AI Courses, Productivity Courses, Google Workspace Courses, Gemini Courses Gemini para Google Workspace es un complemento que les proporciona a los clientes funciones potenciadas por IA generativa en esta plataforma. En esta ruta de aprendizaje, aprenderás sobre las funciones clave de Gem.
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Gemini in Google Docs - Français

Gemini in Google Docs - Français Gemini pour Google Workspace est un module complémentaire qui permet aux utilisateurs d'accéder à des fonctionnalités d'IA générative. Ce cours explore les fonctionnalités de Gemini dans Google Docs au moyen de vidéos pédagogiques, d'activités pratiques et d'exemples concrets. Vous allez apprendre à utiliser Gemi.
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Gemini in Google Docs - 简体中文

课程标题: Gemini in Google Docs - 简体中文 课程描述: Google Workspace 专用 Gemini 是一个插件,用户可通过它来使用生成式 AI 功能。本课程通过视频课程、实操活动和实际示例,深入探讨了“Google 文档中的 Gemini”的功能。您将学习如何使用 Gemini 来根据提示生成书面内容。您还会探索如何使用 Gemini 来修改已撰写好的文本,帮助提升整体工作效率。学完本课程后,您将.
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Gemini in Google Docs - 한국어

Gemini in Google Docs - 한국어 Google Workspace를 위한 Gemini는 사용자에게 생성형 AI 기능에 대한 액세스를 제공하는 부가기능입니다. 이 과정은 동영상 강의, 실습, 실제 사례를 사용하여 Google Docs의 Gemini가 제공하는 기능을 상세하게 살펴봅니다. 학습자는 Gemini를 사용하여 프롬프트를 바탕으로 텍스트 콘텐츠를 생성하는 방법을 확인하게 됩니다. 또한, 이미.
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Gemini in Google Docs Español

Gemini en Google Docs Español Título: Gemini en Google Docs Español Descripción: Gemini para Google Workspace es un complemento que proporciona a los usuarios acceso a funciones de inteligencia artificial generativa. Este curso profundiza en las capacidades de Gemini en Google Docs mediante video lecciones, actividad.
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Gemini in Google Sheets - Português Brasileiro

Title: Gemini em Google Sheets - Português Brasileiro Description: O Gemini para Google Workspace é um complemento que oferece aos clientes acesso a recursos de IA generativa na nossa plataforma. Neste minicurso, você vai conhecer as principais funcionalidades do Gemini e como elas podem ser usadas para melhorar a produtividade e a eficiência nas P.
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Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 繁體中文

客戶能透過 Gemini 版 Google Workspace 外掛程式在 Google Workspace 使用生成式 AI 功能。本學習路徑會介紹 Gemini 的主要功能,並說明如何在 Google Workspace 善用這些功能,提高生產力和效率。 提供單位: Coursera 類別: 生成式 AI 課程、Google Workspace 課程、Gemini 課程
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A generative ai course is a fast-growing field of machine learning that can create new content, translate languages, write different types of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. It has great potential to revolutionize the way we create and use products.

A generative ai course refers to any artificial intelligence model that generates new data, information, or documents.

For example, many companies record their meetings, both live and virtual. Here are a few ways generative AI could transform these recordings:

And this is only a small part of all processes.

Generative AI Model Examples

There are a number of products using generative ai courses already available on the market – we'll give you a few examples below. The underlying principle of the generative ai courses at AI Eeducation varies depending on the specific model or algorithm used, but some common approaches include:

  1. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are a type of generative model that learns to encode input data into a latent space and then decode it back into the original data. The "variational" part of the name refers to the probabilistic nature of the latent space, allowing the model to generate a variety of outputs.

  2. Generative Adversarial Networks (GaN): GaNs consist of two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, that are trained simultaneously through adversarial learning. The generator creates new data, and the discriminator evaluates how well the generated data matches the real data. The competition between the two networks causes the generator to improve over time in producing realistic outputs.

  3. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNS) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): These types of neural networks are often used to generate sequences such as text or music. RNNS and LSTM have memory that allows them to process a series of events over time, making them suitable for tasks where the order of elements is important.

  4. Transformer models: Transformer models, especially those with attention mechanisms, are very successful in various generative tasks. They can remember long-term dependencies and relationships in data, making them effective for tasks such as language translation and text generation.

  5. Autoencoders: Autoencoders consist of an encoder and a decoder, and they are trained to reconstruct the input data. Although they are primarily used for learning to represent and compress data, variations such as denoising autoencoders (e.g. in images) can be used for generative tasks.

An ai generative course involves feeding a model a large data set and optimizing its parameters to minimize the difference between the generated output and the real information. A model's ability to produce realistic and rich content depends on the complexity of its architecture, the quality and quantity of training data, and the optimization techniques used during training!