All current Object Detection Courses courses in 2024
53 Courses
Amazon SageMaker: Build an Object Detection Model Using Images Labeled with Ground Truth (Spanish)
En este curso, nos encontraremos con el Dr. Denis Batalov, líder en tecnología de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático a nivel mundial, quien le enseñará a implementar una canalización de aprendizaje automático mediante el uso de Amazon SageMaker y Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. En primer lugar, creará un conjunto de datos etiquetado,.
Using Neural Networks for Image and Voice Data Analysis
Using Neural Networks for Image and Voice Data Analysis
Neural networks can be configured in various ways depending on the type of data and objectives. This course will help you understand how to properly choose a neural network architecture for image or audio data.
Deep learning, as opposed to machine learning, allows a more robust way to dea.
The AI Engineer Path
The AI Engineer Path
Build cutting-edge applications powered by generative AI—an indispensable skill for 2024. Perfect for product teams at startups, agencies, and large corporations. Enhance your capabilities with courses in Generative AI, Object Detection, Vector Databases, and Hugging Face.
MathWorks Computer Vision Engineer
MathWorks Computer Vision Engineer
Prepare for a career in the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. The ability to extract meaningful information from visual data is crucial for efficiently developing smart monitoring systems, enhancing medical diagnostics, and powering the next generation of autonomous vehicles.
This program is designed.
컴퓨터 비전 분야에서의 딥 러닝 응용 사례
컴퓨터 비전 분야에서의 딥 러닝 응용 사례
이 강의는 CU 볼더 대학교의 데이터 과학 석사(MS-DS) 학위 과정의 일부로써 학점 인정이 가능하며 Coursera 플랫폼을 통해 제공됩니다. MS-DS는 CU 볼더 대학교의 응용 수학, 컴퓨터 과학, 정보 과학 및 기타 여러 학과 교수진이 모여 만든 학제간 학위 과정입니다.
MS-DS는 능력에 따라 입학이 허가되고 지원 절차가 없기 때문에.
Python para no matemáticos: De 0 hasta reconocimiento facial
Python para no matemáticos: De 0 hasta reconocimiento facial - Udemy
Inscríbete en el curso "Python para no matemáticos: De 0 hasta reconocimiento facial" en Udemy. Este curso está diseñado para principiantes y te enseñará Python con aplicaciones prácticas en el reconocimiento facial. Ideal para aquellos sin conocimientos avanzados en mate.
Paid Course
8 hours 20 minutes
Paid Course
3-4 hours
OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 2/3 (Python)
OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 2/3 (Python)
Python Programlama Dili Kullanarak OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme Dersi | Başlangıçtan İleri Düzeye | 2.Video Eğitimidir.
Provider: Udemy
Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Python Courses, Computer Vision Courses, Data Science Courses, OpenCV Courses, Object Detection Courses
Free Online Course
2-3 hours
OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 1/3 (Python)
OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 1/3 (Python) | Udemy
Python Programlama Dili kullanarak OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme dersi. Başlangıçtan ileri düzeye 1. video eğitimidir. University: Udemy. Bu kurs ile görüntü işleme dünyasına adım atın ve OpenCV ile yeteneklerinizi geliştirin.
Kategori: Yapay Zeka Kursları, Python Kursları, Bilgisayarla Görme Kursları,.
Free Online Course
1-2 hours