All current Psychology Courses courses in 2024

105 Courses


《心理生活人生》课程专为大一新生设计,共涵盖十个主题,每个主题聚焦大学生日常生活的不同方面。通过心理学的方法,学生将能够以新的视角重新审视和反思大学生活,帮助他们更快、更好地适应和融入大学环境。此课程不仅提供有用的反思技巧,还能在未来的日常生活中应用这些方法和视角,以实现健康成长和快乐生活的目标。 课程提供方:XuetangX 分类:情商课程、压力管理课程.
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在这个课程中,精选核心知识点将帮助学生从四个重要方面探索普通心理学:历史、方法、研究主题及其应用。 学生将学会从历史角度理解心理学的发展,并搭建纵向的心理学知识框架。 通过研究方法的学习,学生将体验心理学的科学魅力。课程把认知及社会性发展紧密结合,创建一个全面的知识网络。 该课程设计也关注于心理学的实际应用,帮助学生从认识自我的角度切入,增进.
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XuetangX 提供的 压力与情绪管理 课程,深入研究如何有效识别和应对日常生活中的压力因素与情绪挑战。利用一系列基于科学证据的方法,学员将学习如何增强情绪智慧,获取心理健康的技巧。通过实用的方法论,本课程旨在帮助学员在职业和个人生活中保持心理平衡和健康。探索由清华大学提供的这门课程,可以为应对压力和情绪提供强有力的支持与指导,同时提高整体生活质量。加入.
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A Journey of Psychology

Humans are naturally curious beings, exploring both the universe and the depths of the mind. What defines human nature? How do we differ from other animals? Dive into the science of understanding how humans perceive the world, make decisions, and where emotions arise from. Discover the motivations behind behaviors and the impact of genetics and.
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Introduction to Psychology

As our world becomes more global and technologically advanced, focusing on the study of psychology becomes ever more crucial. This subject is highly popular among university students worldwide, reflecting the growing interest in understanding this fascinating and dynamic field. This comprehensive introductory course covers a broad spectrum of ps.
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Positive Psychology

Join this exceptional course on Positive Psychology offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi through Swayam. Gain insights into the dynamics that enable individuals and communities to flourish by understanding positive emotions, individual traits, and institutions. Delve into key concepts such as happiness, flow, mindfulness, optim.


‘Creativity’ is a distinctive course that not only refers to theories but also emphasizes practical activities to enhance your learning experience. Using short video lectures, single- and multi-choice questions, and a blend of online and offline communications, this course incorporates innovative learning strategies to help learners delve into thei.
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加入北华电力大学的这个深刻课程,学习如何通过温暖人心的沟通技巧与他人建立有意义的联系。掌握同理心倾听,发展情绪智力,并了解如何通过有效的对话创造一个支持性环境。 课程将深入探讨解决冲突的实用策略,建设性地表达感受,增强个人和职场关系中的信任。 学会如何运用积极沟通来激励、激发和创造持久影响,同时与家人、朋友和同事建立更强的联系。 课程类别包括情绪.
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