All current R Programming Courses courses in 2024

56 Courses

Image Recognition for Beginners using CNN in R Studio

Join this comprehensive Udemy course to delve into the world of image recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with R Studio. Perfect for beginners, this program leverages the power of Keras and Tensorflow to teach you how to efficiently manage and process image data in deep learning projects. University and Provider.
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Machine Learning and Business Intelligence Masterclass

Machine Learning and Business Intelligence Masterclass Discover the ultimate Machine Learning and Business Intelligence Masterclass available on Udemy. Master Machine Learning with Python and TensorFlow, and dive into Business Intelligence techniques using Siebel and BIP. Engage in hands-on projects to solidify your knowledge across multiple.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 3 days 16 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Machine Learning e Data Science com R de A a Z

Machine Learning e Data Science com R de A a Z Aprenda as técnicas que o mundo real exige e torne-se um profissional competitivo na área de Inteligência Artificial! University: Provider: Udemy Categories: Machine Learning Courses, R Programming Courses, Data Science Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 28 hours
sessions On-Demand

Curso Power BI: De Principiante a Avanzado

Curso Power BI: De Principiante a Avanzado Únete al curso Curso Power BI: De Principiante a Avanzado, impartido por el experto Juan Carlos, quien cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia en Business Intelligence. A lo largo de este curso, adquirirás habilidades avanzadas de análisis de datos que te convertirán en un profesional en el uso de Pow.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 1 day 2 hours 30 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Fundamentos de Ciencia de Datos con R

La ciencia de datos está transformando la manera en cómo las organizaciones trabajan con sus datos, ya que permite generar información más precisa, confiable, en tiempo real y que sustenta además de una toma de decisiones histórica, una estrategia proactiva. Con estas herramientas, las empresas modernas están automatizando procesos capaces de tomar.
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provider edX  Professional Certificate
pricing $117.00
duration 12 weeks, 5-8 hours a week

Integrating Tableau and R for Data Science

Course Title: Integrating Tableau and R for Data Science Description: Discover how to combine Tableau and R to provide your business with the ability to see and understand your data. Learn how to integrate these platforms and when to use either one. R is known as one of the most robust statistical computing solutions out there. Tableau, a lea.
provider LinkedIn Learning
pricing Free Trial Available
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Practical Linear Regression in R for Data Science in R

Practical Linear Regression in R for Data Science | Udemy Course Practical Linear Regression in R for Data Science Enroll in the Udemy course to master practical linear regression using R. This course covers the essentials of machine learning, deep learning, statistics, and artificial intelligence. Provider: Udemy C.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 2-3 hours
sessions On-Demand

Decision Trees, Random Forests & Gradient Boosting in R

Predictive models with machine learning wit Rstudio´s ROCR, XGBoost, rparty. Bonus: Neural Networks for Credit Scoring
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 5 hours 57 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Machine Learning Made Easy : Beginner to Advanced using R

Learn Machine Learning Algorithms using R from experts with hands on examples and practice sessions. With 5 different pr
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 15 hours
sessions On-Demand
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