All current Regression Analysis Courses courses in 2024

47 Courses

Formação Cientista de Dados: O Curso Completo

Formação Cientista de Dados: O Curso Completo Domine as mais Importantes Técnicas de Data Science com Python e R e Seja o Profissional Mais Cobiçado da Atualidade. Este curso abrangente cobre uma variedade de tópicos essenciais incluindo Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Redes Neurais, Ciência de Dados, Visualização de Dados, Análise de Regressão.
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Machine Learning: Aplicado a Python y Data Science

Machine Learning: Aplicado a Python y Data Science Aprende a crear algoritmos de Machine Learning en Python para estudiantes y profesionales. Curso ofrecido por Udemy.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 2 hours 23 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Análisis de datos con Microsoft Excel y Power BI

Análisis de datos con Microsoft Excel y Power BI Instructor: Juan Carlos Experiencia: 10 años en Business Intelligence Temas: Microsoft Excel Power BI Análisis de Datos Visualización de Datos Análisis de Regresión
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Machine Learning for Music Information Retrieval

An introduction to data mining through the lens of music information retrieval. Topics explored include classification (genre, mood, instrument), multi-label classification (tagging), and regression (emotion/mood). University: Provider: Kadenze Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Data Mining Courses, Regression Analysis Courses
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provider Kadenze
pricing $350.00
duration 50 hours
sessions On-Demand

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners: Tools to Learn Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners: Tools to Learn Machine Learning What really is “artificial intelligence”? “Machine learning”? Let’s cut through the meaningless buzzwords, and talk the real talk. This class covers must-know topics for AI product managers, ML practitioners, and anyone in between that’s curious about these emerging fields. We.
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provider Skillshare
pricing Free Trial Available
duration 1 hour 5 minutes
sessions On-Demand


【世界で55万人が受講】データサイエンティストを目指すあなたへ〜データサイエンス25時間ブートキャンプ〜 機械学習・ディープラーニング・人工知能に関するビジネス上の課題を、回帰分析・ニューラルネットワーク・K平均法等を使って解いていきます。python、jupyter、numpy、pandas、tensorflow等のスキルも身に付きます。 カテゴリ:人工知能コース, Pythonコース, 機械学.
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