All current STEM Courses courses in 2024
7 Courses
AI Basics for Schools
Discover the transformative power of AI in education with our comprehensive online course, "AI Basics for Schools." Designed for educators, this course unravels the complexities of artificial intelligence, offering insights into its potential and limitations within the educational landscape. Participants will gain foundational knowledge on AI, expl.
Free Online Course
5 weeks
English for STEM: Understanding Technology Vocabulary
Improve your English language skills with a specialized course from Macquarie University EMI Centre, offered through FutureLearn, titled "English for STEM: Understanding Technology Vocabulary." This three-week journey is tailored for individuals aiming to enhance their English proficiency in the realms of data science, artificial intelligence, and.
3 weeks, 3 hours a week
EU Code Week Online Bootcamp
Join the EU Code Week Online Bootcamp, an innovative MOOC designed specifically for pre-primary, primary, and secondary school teachers. This comprehensive course aims to integrate coding and computational thinking into educational settings, emphasizing diversity, inclusion, and the exciting potential of artificial intelligence in education.
Free Online Course
15 hours
High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop
Title: High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop
Description: Dive into the world of computing with our High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop. This beginner-friendly workshop, provided by Udemy, is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of computer science and programming using the innovative Snap.
Paid Course
8 hours
Moving to Maths 2.0
Redefine the way you teach mathematics with our comprehensive course, "Moving to Maths 2.0." This course is designed to enhance the teaching of Maths by not only highlighting its core principles and applications but also by stimulating curiosity and confidence among students. The goal is to help learners see the relevance of Maths beyond the classr.
Free Online Course
6 weeks, 3-4 hours a week
Les métiers du numérique pour inventer le monde de demain
Les métiers du numérique pour inventer le monde de demain
L’objectif de ce cours est de présenter le secteur du numérique au travers de différents domaines et débouchés professionnels possibles.
Il a pour visée une meilleure compréhension des disciplines présentées et des métiers avec pour ambition d’aider les lycéens à s’orienter grâce à un ense.
France Université Numerique
Free Online Course
12 hours
S'initier à l'enseignement en Sciences Numériques et Technologie
S'initier à l'enseignement en Sciences Numériques et Technologie
Dans le cadre de la réforme du lycée, l'enseignement des fondements de l'informatique prend une place importante. Ainsi dès la classe de Seconde générale et technologique, un nouvel enseignement, Sciences Numériques et Technologie, est proposé à toutes et à tous.
Comment aider les.
France Université Numerique
Free Online Course
25 hours