AI courses

2697 Courses

Optimizing Foundation Models (Indonesian)

Optimizing Foundation Models (Indonesian) Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mengeksplorasi dua teknik untuk meningkatkan kinerja model fondasi (FM): Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) dan penyempurnaan. Anda akan belajar mengenai layanan Amazon Web Services (AWS) yang membantu menyimpan penyematan dengan basis data vektor, peran agen dalam tugas den.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Korean)

In this course, we briefly explain what responsible AI is and why it is important in generative AI. Responsible AI refers to developing, deploying, and using AI in ethical, transparent, fair, and accountable ways. The course covers key elements of responsible AI including fairness, explainability, privacy, robustness, governance, and transparen.
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AWS Flash - Unleashing Innovation: The Generative AI Revolution (Indonesian)

Kita berada dalam masyarakat di mana garis antara apa yang diciptakan oleh manusia, dan apa yang diciptakan oleh mesin, makin kabur. AI generatif telah menjadi titik balik dalam cara kita membuat, merancang, dan berinteraksi dengan teknologi. Tetapi bagaimana cara kerjanya, apa manfaat di luar kebaruan dan apa risikonya? Bergabunglah dengan kam.
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AWS Flash - Generative AI in Action: Real-World Use Cases (Simplified Chinese)

AWS Flash: Generative AI in Action - Real-World Use Cases (Simplified Chinese) 本课程概述了生成式 AI 使用案例及其提供的商业价值。包括生成式 AI 在主要行业和案例研究中的实际应用。 课程级别:基础级 时长:75 分钟 注意:本课程具有本地化的注释/字幕。 旁白保留英语。要显示字幕,请单击播放器右下角的 CC 按钮。 课程内容 本课程包括讲解、真实示例和案例研.
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AWS Cloud Quest: Machine Learning (Japanese)

Explore the dynamic world of cloud computing and machine learning with AWS Cloud Quest: Machine Learning - offered in Japanese by AWS Skill Builder. This course is your gateway to mastering essential concepts such as: Cloud computing fundamentals with Amazon S3. Introductory cloud steps using Amazon EC2 and AWS infrastructure. Estimat.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Traditional Chinese)

本課程提供對負責任 AI 的基本介紹,重點探討其在生成式 AI 環境中的重要性。負責任 AI 涉及以道德、透明、和公正的方式開發和部署 AI。核心內容包括公平性、可解釋性、隱私、穩健性、和透明度的最佳實踐。您將學習如何利用 AWS 的服務和工具,構建負責任且可靠的 AI 系統。 課程等級:基礎 授課時長:60-75 分鐘 注意:課程提供本地化註釋/字幕,旁白為英語。要.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Japanese)

このコースでは、責任ある AI とは何か、そしてなぜそれが生成 AI の文脈において重要なのかを概説します。責任ある AI とは、倫理的、透明、公正、かつ説明責任のある方法で AI を開発、デプロイ、使用することです。このコースでは、責任ある AI の主な要素と、公平性、説明可能性、プライバシー、堅牢性、ガバナンス、透明性に関するベストプラクティスの確立について.
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AWS Flash - Generative AI in Action: Real-World Use Cases (Traditional Chinese)

本課程概述了生成式 AI 的使用案例,及其帶來的商業價值。內容涵蓋生成式 AI 在各大產業中的實際應用和案例研究。 課程等級:基礎 持續時間:75 分鐘 注意:本課程具有本地化的註釋/字幕。旁白保留英語。要顯示字幕,請按一下播放器右下角的 CC 按鈕。 本課程內容包括簡報、實際範例和案例研究。 課程目標中,您將學習以下內容: 了解生成式 AI 的四個核心目標.
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AWS Flash - Generative AI in Action: Real-World Use Cases (Japanese)

このコースでは、生成 AI のユースケースとそのビジネス価値の概要を提供します。主要産業における実際の応用方法とケーススタディを含んでいます。コースレベルは基礎で、所要時間は75分です。 アクティビティ: このコースには、プレゼンテーション、実際の例、ケーススタディが含まれます。 コースの目標: 生成 AI の4つのコア目標を理解する 会話型 AI とパーソナラ.
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Exploring the World of AI

Embark on an educational journey with our course, "Exploring the World of AI," offered by SAP Learning. Dive deep into the fundamental principles and various concepts of AI, including fascinating perspectives on machine learning and symbolic AI through engaging mediums like board and computer games. This course also sheds light on the common pit.

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to imitate human thinking. This is the name of modern technology with the help of which electronic devices, programs and robots can solve various problems using given algorithms. We tell you where to start studying AI course and why it is needed.

What is AI course and why is it so interesting?

The topic of artificial intelligence course and machine thinking interested scientists even before the invention of computers, and after the advent of computers it reached a new level. In the 1950s and 60s, issues related to the creation and use of artificial intelligence began to be widely discussed in society.

The answer to this question is also difficult to find because there are no clear criteria for the intelligence of a machine. If this is the ability to make logical conclusions, then the computer has long surpassed humans. When it comes to flexibility and originality of thinking, humans are still superior to even the most modern intelligent devices.

AI is actively used in a variety of fields, the list of which is expanding every year, and not only techies, but also humanists—specialists in project management, advertising and PR, psychologists, economists, and linguists—can find their place in this area.

What can artificial intelligence course programs do?

Modern artificial intelligence technologies make it possible to create devices and programs that:

find the maximum possible solutions to one situation; machine intelligence can quickly analyze all options and calculate which one will be the cheapest, safest, and most effective. The machine’s responses will depend on what task a person has given it. For example, AI courses online can show how to calculate which model or product is more profitable to produce based on data on the cost of consumables and sales volumes.

can answer any questions integrated into their system; at the same time, the machine can not only find a ready-made answer in the database, but also search for it using intermediate leading questions that gradually narrow the search area.

collect and process large amounts of information, analyze it, combine unrelated pieces of information; This is how, for example, the image search system works in Google.

Artificial intelligence is a technology not only of the present, but also of the future, and specialists in this field will not have problems finding employment in the next few decades. Huge investments are already being attracted to this area, which means there will be no problems with remuneration for workers involved in the development, production and implementation of the best AI courses technologies from AI Eeducation.

Contribution to science and culture

Artificial intelligence and the creation of intelligent programs and devices is an area in which new discoveries are constantly being made. By working on artificial intelligence, scientists and engineers are at the forefront of world science, moving humanity forward. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence and its introduction into our lives gives rise to many ethical and philosophical questions, the resolution of which requires not a machine mind, but a human mind capable of creative thinking.


In the field of creating AI, not only software developers are in great demand, but also people with creative thinking who are able to come up with and promote new ideas. To work in this field, it is important to be able to think outside the box. A separate promising area that a creative person can take up is teaching a machine to create works of art. Already today computers draw pictures, write music and poetry. In the near future, perhaps they will take over the creation of books, films and cartoons.

Mastering new skills

To work in the field of artificial intelligence, you need a good knowledge of mathematics and basic programming. For the study of AI, the two most important branches of mathematics are linear algebra and probability theory. The most popular programming language in this area is Python, followed by R and Lua. Knowledge of the English language will also be useful - the most modern scientific data, articles, reports on achievements and experiments are usually published in English!