Computer Science Courses

108 Courses


计算思维与人工智能课程融合理论与实际,是多学科交叉且广泛应用的前沿课程。基于多年人工智能教学实践,课程结合计算机技术发展,分析和认知人工智能学科特点,以计算思维视角探讨其基本理论和方法,运用Python实现相关理论的案例。 课程特点包括: 注重实例的教学方式: 专注于激发学生学习兴趣,结合课程属性,以解决问题的原理和思路为重点,讲解经典实例,帮助学.
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AI TIME PhD: 哈工大HIT-SCIR实验室专场二 加入AI TIME PhD: 哈工大HIT-SCIR实验室专场二,探索人工智能领域的最新研究与发展动向。本系列面向希望深入了解自然语言处理、机器学习及信息检索技术的学者与研究人员。 来自哈尔滨工业大学的顶尖研究人员将在本次中文学术讲座中分享他们的研究成果和见解,展示哈工大社会计算与信息检索实验室(HIT-SCIR)在这些领域取得的进.
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本课程专为艺术类高校设计,重点在于教授计算机基础知识,以适应当代技术发展并满足艺术类学生的特定需求。通过该课程,学生不仅能学习计算机基础知识和概念,还能掌握应用和操作技能。 课程内容依据教育部颁布的《计算机基础教学基本要求》,涵盖计算机领域的各个方面,包括计算机的发展及其应用、系统组成、操作系统基础、办公软件使用、网络及其应用、计算机前沿技术、信.
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Full Stack Web Developer with AI & ML Integration|Hindi|Urdu

Elevate your career with our comprehensive Full Stack Web Development Course, specializing in the integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Offered in both Hindi and Urdu, this course provides a robust framework using Python and Django to innovate and implement AI-driven web applications. Crafted by industry experts at Udemy,.
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Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking

The "Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking" course is designed to enhance students’ practical skills in addressing problems through computational thinking approaches. In today's world, marked by the rapid advancement of technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain, the.
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High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop

Kickstart your journey into the world of Computer Science and Programming with our introductory workshop designed for high school students. Discover the basics of coding using Snap! and enhance your problem-solving skills. This workshop is brought to you by Udemy, providing you with a solid foundation in essential topics like Artificial Intell.
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Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp

Embark on a transformative journey with the Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp. Designed meticulously by Udemy, this program takes learners from HTML basics to mastering advanced Python. Perfect for those passionate about Artificial Intelligence, the curriculum encompasses a wide range of topics including TensorFlow, Data Science, Jav.
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AI in Science Mastery: ChatGPT’s Transformative Role

AI in Science Mastery: ChatGPT’s Transformative Role Delve into the transformative role of ChatGPT in scientific education with our course, 'AI in Science Mastery.' Offered by Udemy, this comprehensive program covers key subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science, through the innovative lens of Artificial Intelligence. W.
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Cyber Defender's Journey: Virus Detection and Elimination

Cyber Defender's Journey: Virus Detection and Elimination Udemy Embark on the 'Cyber Defender's Journey: Virus Detection and Elimination' and transform yourself into a cybersecurity hero. Offered by Udemy, this course falls under the categories of Computer Science and Cybersecurity, designed to equip you with essential skills in virus detection.
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What kind of career can you pursue with a Computer Science degree?

Computer Science, or CS, is the science of the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analysing and evaluating information using computer technology to enable its application to decision-making.

Introduction to Computer Science AI

There are similar fields, such as data science or software engineering. Some of them can be considered part of Computer Science, but there is still a difference in terms: Computer Science is a broader concept. They study computer technology and information representation as a whole, rather than separate areas such as development. To understand Computer Science in depth, you need a good mathematical apparatus. Unlike many IT applications, this field is strongly related to maths. Computer Science can be studied in higher education institutions in technical specialities dedicated to information technology. But you can also master them on your own with computer science artificial intelligence courses.

Learning Outcomes and Skills

Computer Science is very broad, so we cannot give a complete list of the fields it includes. Let us give examples of theoretical and practical disciplines related to it at computer science ai courses.


Mathematical analysis, linear algebra and other disciplines are also important, but the discipline with the greatest connection to computer science is discrete mathematics. It studies "discontinuous", finite, that is, discrete structures. There are a huge number of algorithms based on this maths, which are used in various branches of IT. Discrete mathematics includes graph theory, finite automata, combinatorics and many other areas.

Theoretical Computer Science

This is the fundamental science that deals with information: how it is represented, stored, and transmitted. Theoretical computer science works with abstract concepts and theories. The term "fundamental" means that this science does not involve creating something in practice: it may describe a new approach to storing information, but not realise a machine that stores it that way. To theoretical computer science we can refer information theory and coding theory - the latter is devoted to the transformation of information into codes. The study of algorithms and the structure of programming languages also belongs to this area.

Programming languages

Computer science is not the same as programming, although the spheres are related. CS studies not so much the peculiarities of languages and the ability to apply them, but their internal structure in general. It is how programming languages are arranged, what their structure is, how they are implemented and what they are based on. Designing programming languages, their classification, analyses belong to computer science.

Career Opportunities and Enrollment Details

If you have studied at an artificial intelligence course for computer science, you will have learnt many technical and non-technical skills that are highly valued by employers, from leadership to programming. The increasing use of computer science means you have a wide range of choices in a wide range of highly specialised fields. With computer technology playing an ever-increasing role in all aspects of modern life, you are likely to find your computing skills in demand in many different industries. These include: financial organisations, management consulting firms, software development firms, communications companies, data warehouses, multinational companies (IT related, financial services and others), government agencies, universities and hospitals. However, it is not surprising that most graduates of the computer science with ai course hold positions in the computer industry!